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lady man

it just means a guy who is cute and has a several girl friends at time. so he's always seen with a girl, and often different girls.

i haven't had much success with ladies, lately.
see John, he's a lady man, might give you some numbers.

by Torpedo123 June 23, 2009

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fancy lady

a hooker

Dude: So, what are you doing for a living?
Girl: I'm a fancy lady!
D: What?!
G: I mean, a hooker...

by x0d April 26, 2012

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Drug Lady

Some crazy liar that comes to your school and tells you not to drink do drugs or fuck.

Student one:dude did you have to listen to drug lady today?

Student two:Ya shes whack

by Jewann October 26, 2008

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Ladies and Gentlemen

A phrase used to formally address any group of people. Effectively eliminates the meaning behind the terms, "ladies," and "gentlemen."

Geometry Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen, we shall now explore ways to prove triangles are congruent.

Lady: Boring! Geometry sucks! I hate math!

Gentleman: Yeah, can we have free time instead?

by Oscar MacGorden March 1, 2012

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demon lady

A intensely creepy, old, woman with one glassy pupil-less eye, too much makeup, black leggings perhaps from the late 70's, and mumbles demonic spells while shopping at your local CVS pharmacy.

Demon Lady: *while looking at cosmetics* that bitch, fucking, asshole, fucking cunt, bitch mother e__o

Customer: >__> *escapes*

Other customer: *reacts by taking a cell phone picture and showing friends* Dude! Did you see that freaky Demonic Lady!? Dear God! :O

by SamiWHAMMY August 5, 2007

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WC lady

The lady in the awesome futuristic wheelchair that is always hanging out around the mall, chillin' in her chromed out ride. She often hands out brochures and catalogs asking for people to purchase her amazing products.
She is never seen in any version WC lower than 6000. Those are for the amateurs.

"Oh jeez, WC lady is cruising around again."
"WC lady is such a pimp. She has Mariel and Klaz hooked on her shit."

by klazmjHERBEBABY May 13, 2006

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Lady Gaga

A quick way to get any person over 40 out of a bar.

Dude, I played "Lady Gaga" on the jukebox last night and half the bar cleared out. It was only us 20 somethings left.

by matt010288 September 3, 2010

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