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Market Pliers

I think I heard that he had a big iron on his hip somewhere

A: Did you hear Market Pliers has a big iron on his hip?

B: Who is Market Pliers?

by FatherUnreal November 26, 2023

market hangover

After working all week picking, sorting, packing, loading, trucking, off-loading, setting up & selling fruit or vegetables at the farmers market all day, then packing up and going home to go to work, you run yourself ragged doing the country version of 9 to 5, which on market Saturday is 3am to 9pm....resulting in total exhaustion and a Sunday "Market Hangover". The resulting symptoms include: exhaustion, imploding headache, body aches & fatigue, sensitivity to moving about, bright lights and loud talking or noises.

Selling at the farmers market makes me feel like I came home at 2 o'clock from a night of drinking, but never touched a drop- I'm so dog tired beat with this "market hangover"!

by Liza W. Jane November 27, 2013

Coffee market

The coffee market it's a market of coffee, you understand, no, i am not a teacher fuck you
XDDD, I imagine a people read this article, I, I CRY the funny

For example: "Hey, you have any gram of coffee
- no, but in the coffee market has veryy veryy much

by CYROK November 1, 2018

Take the piggy to the market

When you stick one of your toes, preferably starting with the pinky toe in a woman’s vagine

imbheading over to Jenny’s tonight and all I want to do is take the piggy to the market!

by goochdaddy757 October 23, 2018

fee market system

when in tough economic times "fees" are applied to everything to amplify profits and negate a potential default

Brian: I needed a bank.. So I just joined Bank of America because they have an iPhone app.

James: Awe so now you're enjoying the benefits of the "fee market system". Quite rational thinking there Brian *rolls eyes*

by breynoldz October 8, 2011

Motor Market

Used car dealership

Motor Market is the best dealership to buy used cars in the West Midlands.

by zem399 August 16, 2024

Sales & Marketing Director

The Sales & Marketing Director is an individual that spends an exorbitant amount of time contemplating marketing & selling. Whilst not actually understanding the product. But manages to actively sell himself with pretty line charts, inventing facts and interfering with things he neither understands nor is within his remit. Trying to make himself look good by making others look bad.

“The new Sales guy has started! We have been told he is our last, best hope! He is the Sales & Marketing Director”. Only to hear in reply “oh this guy with the pretty line charts & post it notes? He can’t sell for toffee, let alone count… spends all his time interfering in what doesn’t concern him, is about a disappointing as Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and I have heard their is another…”

by Glimmer December 10, 2023