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A place where we're deprived of any basic human rights.

Freedom of religion- they've disallowed any religious talk in schools

Freedom of speech/press- we can't talk in class without fear of horrible punishment

Freedom to assembly- we can't pick which school we go to without paying ridiculous amounts of money

Freedom to bear arms- you're not allowed any weapon or to go to a private school. We also can't pick our classrooms, etcpossible weapon on school property. While disallowing guns and blades is reasonable, they've been banning ridiculous things like butter knives, Nerf guns and needles

Freedom to be safe against searches and seizures- they search your backpack regularly, they confiscate your items and they inspect your body

Trial by jury- there's no jury at school. if you do ANYTHING that the teacher or schoolboard disagrees with, they can and will do cruel and unusual punishments (another right taken away)

Freedom to travel at home or abroad- we can't leave the classroom, we can't go to the bathroom as we please, we can't get up to get some water and we can't leave the campus

Right to our body- facial hair is banned, and some schools have a REALLY strict dress code

It also takes away basic human rights.

Right to sleep- sleeping in class is usually punishable by a week of detention

Right to eat- you have 2 times when you can eat: lunch and snack period (which is usually only 5 minutes)

See: Assrape

School is a bunch of fuck

by Mk19 December 20, 2012

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(n): Hell with florescent lighting

Friend 1: How would you define the word school?

Friend 2: Hell with florescent lighting... duh...

by systemsix13 October 8, 2009

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the fortress of eternal darkness and merciless judgement.

a school

by the abominable snowmans cousin March 30, 2009

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to get defeated miserably-to lose with humiliation

Kobe could school Ron Harper anyday!!!

by Anonymous December 10, 2002

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omg, she is vickery creek school.

by fl lfjaofafa May 3, 2009

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the living hell where parents stick their kids so they dont have to deal with them
the school is a living hell where pig-nosed bitchs slowly kill you
have fun kids!

A Mother:Your going to school today nikki
A kid: fuck off

by LilNikiiii October 3, 2010

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A Fucking worthless 8 hours of nothing but shitty teachers and retarded homework!! it should die. A hell on earth.

I'm going to school.

No your not your going to hell.

by Dutchess23 February 27, 2010

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