lettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucinglettucing -tally hall
a phrase said in the song good day by the fabloo band tally hall lettucing
A ball cap that sits backwards on top of the sickest flow at a 30 degree angle
“Man check that lettuce bowl”
“Bro, that flow turns heads”
When someone is passionate about a certain situation, whether it’s politics or environmental situations
She is a lettuce licking liberal
A person who struggles to reach completion without the presence of fresh produce
Doctor: "any strange fetishes I should be aware of?"
Nicholas: "just the one, actually. I'm a lettuce fetcher. Grab a cabbage and watch me explode"
A recreational drug. Helps make life seem more relaxed.
Old man: Fucking hell, what’s that smell?
Old woman: Oh, the hippies next door are on the devil’s lettuce again!
Old man: Lucky bastards!