Source Code

Lemon test

The process of checking to see if the girl you are about to get it on with has any STDs (open sores). While making out, secretly apply some lemon juice to your fingers (you don't actually use a lemon wedge morons) and then rub/insert said fingers into her "warm and fuzzy area". If she begins to scream, cringe, or show pain in any way chances are she has open sores and most likely an STD.

When Jojo was making out with Becky he secretly dabbed his fingers in some lemon juice and gave her the lemon test. When she started to complain about it burning he knew she had the funk!

by Firesole03 June 13, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

lemon square

A nicer, classier code word for a vagina. It's as simple as that.

Yo girl, lemme git at dat lemon square.

Do you like to eat lemon squares?

by Kris XVX June 27, 2011

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Lemon Seeds

Seeds from a lemon.

Goddamnit, I almost choked on lemon seeds.

by Billcheese1 February 12, 2010

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Lemon Drops

A drug named because Lemon Juice is used to extract the DXM out of cough medicine and then placed into pill capsules.

Paul was poppin some Lemon Drops earlier today, now hes out.

by Kaelvin May 29, 2006

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Lemon Soup

A delicious tasting soup that brews inside of Debbie's vagina.

Nick: You have lemon soup stains on your arm!!

by skldfjilwesj December 15, 2007

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lemon face

Term used to describe a middle-aged single woman, usually employed in a dead-end civil servant job. The lemon face has horrible people skills, is angry at the world, and with her life. She is the one who sits in her cubicle with a perpetual sour-puss look on her face. Lemon faces are typically employed by their respective civil service to be customer service reps.

I waited for 2 hours to renew my drivers licence but when I finally reached the counter, the lemon faced customer service rep told me I didn't have the right documents. Then she said "sucks to be you"

by Wordy McWorderson August 9, 2011

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Lemon Custard

a code word among males to refer to shaved pussy. It is used in situations when other words might not be socially acceptable. Adjectives can be used accordingly.

"That old wrinkly bitch has a dry lemon custard!"
"Wow, that Kim Kardashian sure has a tasty lemon custard!"
"I hope his mom is gonna be there, because I love her sweet lemon custard."

by RuoJie July 11, 2008

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