That huge gray plastic barrel at the curbside in which you mindlessly threw out the nice gift that the child down the street worked so hard to create for you. Said innocently-trusting youngster then happens upon said container before the trash-man has carted it away, of course his tenderly-impressionable eyeballs observe said callously-discarded gift, which of course painfully marks him for life and shows him what a shameless lying a**h**e you actually are to have praisingly told him how much you appreciated his gift and all the work he'd gone through to create it for you.
Here's how to avoid having your Rubbermaid™ brand lie-detector make mincemeat of your stellar reputation with the neighborhood children. First, be sure to prominently-display anything they give you --- such as paper-artwork or a clay sculpture --- inside the front room of your house for at least two or three weeks, so that if the young creators of said "masterpieces" happen over to visit, they will always have their happy pride of your appreciation re-affirmed by seeing their "treasured gifts" still visible for all to see. Then after maybe a month or so, try moving the exhibits further along down the wall or into another room, so that if a child happens to notice the absence of his creation in its "customary" spot, you can just hastily show him that you have merely moved it, but that you do indeed still have it on display. Then, if the youngster doesn't comment any more on the object's absence during subsequent visits or go to the other spot to look at it, you can safely assume that he has lost interest in said object, and so you can then put it away in a desk drawer or someplace else hidden, but where you can still hastily retrieve it again if necessary. Then if there is still no reference to said object within a couple more weeks, THEN AND ONLY THEN can you probably safely discard the item, BUT ONLY IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT RISK THE CHILD'S SEEING IT... don't just toss it "openly" into a trash can where it can easily be seen by anyone just moseying by!
A term coined by leftist pundits who like to cry on CNN and MSNBC. The purpose is to try to connect Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, quite laughably. Nobody uses this term outside of lonely, 40 year old, white, alcoholic women.
Trump and the GQP are finished! The walls are closing in for Trump for his participation in The Big Lie!
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When you say something outrageous, but clearly is also true. Usually told to someone who might take offence.
Jim: You have to be in shape to wear a midriff. Looks to me like Jenny needs to hit the gym
Mike: WTF--Jenny is my girl!
Jim: Then you should know.
Stop me when I lie.
Mike: Well…she does look like she has a nick-knack sack.
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a phrase used to call out people who sound stupid, typically in roadman culture
another way of saying 'now you just look stupid'
2+2 doesn't equal 5, now you feel like egg cant lie
Someone who lies in order to make friends.
Arta going on this website and saying that "Usuf" lies to make friends, when really Arta was actually lying that asif lies to make friends....only so that HE could make friends!! ahahaha I would reply:
"Arta, man Don't lie to make friends (DLTMF)"
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Eli Eli Pee Lie is the ultimate swag master, staring in movies such as "Joe and Mommas Great Adventures" and "AHHHHHHHH GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGG". He makes 69 dollars a minute and is so hot his mom wants to date him.
Eli Eli Pee Lie you are so hot
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a blue Smurf appearing creature in which adorns a cat face, it is seen walking through a forest with a mushroom hat and a snail on its backpack of items (ranging from what appears to be berry’s to a stick)
we live we love we lie *insert image of the cat and let Alan walker music play out*
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