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The lowest form of a negative word. No other negative word that relates to someone's intelligence can compare to this one. The true and worst insult to someone's intelligence.

Jeez, that guy is such a Trump. He literally gave the worst advice ever and in such a serious way. Does he really think that? I feel bad for them.

by The_Epic_Truthful_Chad April 27, 2020


Probably the worst sore loser in the history of the world. He claimed a victory for the election, despite the fact that he lost by 7 million votes.

You're a Trump!

I don't like playing with him, he's a Trump.

by Distortion Dude December 1, 2020


The definition of a sore loser who denies defeat even though it is evident that they have lost.

Oh, you're being such a trump. Admit it, you're fired.

by MissMisster November 6, 2020


Uttering an easily refutable falsehood for personal gain or to avoid embarrassment.

Shameless but persistent lying was popularized in the United States in the early-mid 21st century to supplant the role of science and logic in decision making. By eliminating the need to think, political leaders were reduced to playing fictional characters in a skit. Unfortunately, the entertainment value of these performers was overshadowed by the abhorrent policies designed to placate a small minority of uneducated US citizens who loved cable television while the majority of Americans were left wondering what the fuck happened to their once great nation.

After watching the nanny cam footage of her shitting in the kitchen sink, Shannon tried to Trump the other party goers by blaming it on Josh, the new guy. But video doesn't lie.

by Downtown Frown November 10, 2020


Uttering an easily refutable falsehood for personal gain.

Donnie said during a random press conference on the White House lawn, "The toilet is clogged, but I didn't do it. The socialist liberal media has taken all of the fiber out of our foods so my feces are more dense than granite, but it still doesn't stink or anything."

A random journalist chimed in, "Don't Trump us, you ate your tax returns and printer paper is literally made from fiber!"

by Downtown Frown November 10, 2020


A lie, as in to Trump to someone who just saw you hit an old lady by saying, "No I didn't."

Stopping Trumping to me, man, use the truth.

by RGierach November 6, 2020


An exceptionally hot, noisy and smelly bowel movement that makes the bathroom unusable for at least half an hour.

Oh GOD. DO NOT go near the office bathroom until 3:00. The boss had chili yesterday and dropped a total Trump just now.

by Zoot666 November 20, 2020