When you orgasm while watching the Grinch and/or Shrek and tripping on LSD at the same time.
I don't always have good orgasms but when I do I make sure it's an acidism.
The scientific term for the amount of acid that the artist was on when writing a song, often used in regards to music by Led Zeppelin, later Beatles music, and anything by Pink Floyd.
Man1: Dude, I Am the Walrus is so friggin trippy
Man2: Indeed, its staggering acidity can get you a contact high just listening to it
The act of getting acid thrown upon yourself.
"Jacob got Acided by that guy"
Acid tears are tears that you cry when you are peaking on acid during an insanely amazing trip you are having
Bro, this acid is so good, look I have acid tears.
Definition1: Street slang for cocaine infused marijuana. When you do both cocaine and marijuana at the same time, it's called doing acid.
If someone says they did acid, then they are saying they did pot and coke simultaneously.
PERSON1: I did acid the other day.
Person 2: No way. So you did coke and pot at the same time?
Person 1: Yuhp.
Definition1: Street slang for cocaine infused marijuana. When you do both cocaine and marijuana at the same time, it's called doing acid.
If someone says they did acid, then they are saying they did pot and coke simultaneously.
Homie 1: Sup u got acid?
Homie 2: Yea I got coke and weed.
Homie 1: Perfect.