A shortened version of “A lot”
“I have alt going on in my life.”
Another word for slaved, pioneered by RedMight
"I have 8 different alts(slaves)
Playing a game on a separate account to avoid playing with people your rank or skill level.
Different way of saying smurfing for people in denial about what they are doing .
This guys rank alting what a looser!
Keyboard shortcut used to convert strings to Unicode characters
To type a Unicode character, type a string of numbers and letters (for example: 02C6), then press ALT+X to convert the string to the specified character.
A right wing extremist, inverse to left wing extreme SJW wokeflakes yet on the same coin in that both are preachy, condescending, often hypocritical or self conflicting, and make up the most extreme ends of their respective political spectrum areas.
Often the most aggressive and obnoxiously vocal of the political right despite being defensive to all criticism and lacking any humility or sense of possible self wrong, again, the inverse of an SJW.
Just like SJW, normally are truthfully in need of therapy and have massive yet fragile egos yet little to no personal achievements while telling others how they should live their lives.
SJW often try to paint all opposition as altards, even when truthfully proven wrong.
Altards may react with violence or intense verbal harassment when called out.
Similarly to SJW, they thrive on attention and are best left ignored and avoided since they normally cannot be reasoned with by anyone unless they possess deep psychological knowledge and have mass amounts of patience.
"Careful, I think a group were prowling around that area. I heard them mumble some anti-asian stuff about covid"
"Damn alt-ards. First the capitol storming, now this bullshit?"
Guy 1: I'm bleeding!
Guy 2: Just type ctrl alt del and you'll be fine