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First Aider

Someone who can not perform any skills. They are only there to take a person to the hospital, not treat them. Ex: Emt, AEMT, paramedic

You can’t do anything, you’re a first aider, now take them to the hospital.

by Emt, Paramedic, First Responde August 25, 2021

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To go on a date with oneself.

Lonewolf love and self care to the max. To lay out a spread of charcuterie, wine, and dark chocolate on the river bank; to unicycle into the satin-colored sunset, complimenting yourself on the summer outfit; when you return home, to look in the mirror, tell yourself "my treat," and then to blush.

Now that I’m single I’ll be arguing with myself over who pays the bill and eating all my own popcorn. First-wheeling with no handlebars.

by daltonjfk September 23, 2019

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January First

If your born january first you kinda suck cause you gone have 100 kids and infinity time in jail you are kinda good in bed tho

"Happy Birthday to me!"
Dude its january first
Thats why your in jail

by flip_flopin_Maniacc March 13, 2020

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Balls First

A contemporary skiing technique where one thrusts their groin forward so that their testicles are out in front at all times. Also effective for boules and frisbee.

"The best way to go down the maintain is balls first!"

by Howdybums May 20, 2013

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First Pee

The very first time you wake up in the middle of the night to pee.

I'll take my contacts out at first pee.

by KapinKrunch December 28, 2011

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First man

Sails on a boat of some description for free if it’s not one it’s the other used to be his favvas now it’s any woman that will gamble on him

He’s living for free with someone he’s a first man of that ship RT

by Allyq12 January 11, 2020

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First Wednesday

Arguably the only Day of the month where you don't need your alarm clock.

If you live in Cedar Rapids, you probably know about this constant phenomena:

At around 8:45 AM rain or shine the city tests it's tornado sirens, typically there are four reactions that can be combined: Wakened by the sirens (Risers), Not awakened (Snoozer), Ignoring (Hear-nothing), or Scared to shit (Wuss).

Did you hear about Trev on the First Wednesday? Word is he's a Snoozer.

by Shotinthepooper August 28, 2016

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