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Coach Connell

A short but sexy man with giant guns who coaches sex. Usually known for his country accent, creepy old-mannish manner, and obsession with asses.

It was only after I called Coach Connell that my husband and I began to have real kinky sex.

by Shmolgasm April 7, 2009

Coach porter

Big,strong,muscular hunk who makes girls go crazy everywhere he goes. His activities involve bullying kids, weight lifting, and taking trash.

Damn coach porter was going crazy when he was lifting

by Chekosoncm March 19, 2018

Coach javier escato

Makes us run sprints ,carries breifcase

Playes drake music during sprints ovr


Coach javier escato

by P_milling November 12, 2021

Coach Baker's LOL

Coach Nick Baker commonly uses LOL in his text messages. Most may believe that it would mean "laughing out loud" or "lots of love" but it is starting to become clear that he is sending the team a hidden meaning. That secret meaning is "lots of losses" as he points out the teams inability to hit a baseball and to not get walked off every other game.

Coach Baker's LOL: If you saw the team we played today you would understand lol.

by qwerty98712 May 13, 2022

Coach FilmFart

When an adult coach farts during youth football film session and blames a child.

“Man Coach Steefe dropped some ass in our youth football film session, there was no air circulation, his name is now Coach FilmFart”

by FriendOfSteefe September 13, 2021

Coach Ashley Effect

The Coach Ashley Effect is when Coach Ashley says she's going to do something but doesn't fucking do it.

"Coach Ashley Said she was going to schedule me to work a midshift tomorrow but somehow it didn't fucking happen, that's the Coach Ashley Effect in action"

by ThePublicker February 13, 2025