Hey mom, can i buy a HP - Envy x360 2-in-1 15.6" Touch-Screen Laptop - AMD Ryzen 5-8GB Memory - 256GB SSD - Nightfall Black please?
Hitting on a female whom you’ll never ever have sexual relations with.
Hitting on the bosses wife is a clear case of taint envy.
Envy King/Queens- People who have the same 24hrs as you who hate on your success. They block their own blessings because they’re too worried about the next man/woman’s moves!
Chuck was known as an envy king because he hated on everyone else because they did what he was too scared to do! Envy King/Queens- People who have the same 24hrs as you who hate on your success.
When a man is jealous of another male's well-endowment.
"Dan's so big, he gives all the guys in the locker room south envy."
When black or other non-White People who live in a predominantly White Culture feel envious of the society because their ancestors lacked the skills, knowledge, or possessions of others in a dominant culture, often resulting in resentment and demands for reparations instead of accepting personal responsibility for their own situations and working to improve their lives though hard work, discipline, and other ethical means of achieving success and happiness.
1.) Sometimes the minorities on air opinion hosts at CNN really show their White-Envy to the viewing audience.
2.) My neighbor to the left of me has just informed me during our recent conversation that the black family that just moved into the neighborhood has White~Envy over something as trivial as the black guy's yard isn't as big as his yard. And that must be because he is a White man.
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When your rivals party is better than yours.
Who need a 70'' TV when you have quince
You just got some mad host envy