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Zeek Lowe

The guy on FaceBook who gets up to 500 likes on his status's

"Hey, do you know Zeek Lowe ?"
"yer he's my friend on FB"

by master0fpupp3ts! October 23, 2011

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Low Brain

Term used for a person with IQ lower than room temperature

Will uses internet explorer, he's a low brain
Austin is a low brain because he likes lolis

by PublicPotato August 19, 2019

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Low Keisha

Low keisha is a ratchet side woman who needs to be kept low key. If a man has multiple side women, low keisha is the one he wouldn't even tell his confidant about. Usually due to a severe lack of physical attractiveness and/or a less then reputable sexual history.

Low keisha type women usually resemble blue nose pits.

homeboy- "Who was that bugawolf I saw you with last night?"
you- "Shh.... That was low keisha man quit dry snitching"

by lynndrotti May 28, 2015

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josh lowe

Josh lowe is a freshman at south shore votech. He's a prostitute, pot head, occasionally a crack head, and loves Bri Crowley and Olivia Buckley so much. K bye felicia stay fierce josh don't love these hoes

Who's that kid?
Josh lowe

by swaggy swaggaroo November 20, 2013

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low fiving

doodling yourself. jerking it. solo dolo. fiddler on the roofie. party of one. masturbating, son.

Nichole couldn't come to the door because she was too busy low fiving.


by jb is awesome November 16, 2011

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Low Ridding

Similar to Hott Rodding only the hot sauce placed on your cock must be imported from Mexico.

I was in the mood but all I had was some Cholula so we went low ridding.

by Obi Wan Vader Skywalker Wookie February 6, 2012

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Jeffery Low

Biggest fuck to ever live

That guy who just said 1+1=9 is a Jeffery Low

by chickmunk the hufflepuff October 27, 2011

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