A sexual act when during a blow job, a male ejaculates and instead of swallowing, a partner collects and deposits the semen into the male’s ear canal like a warm, wet Willy.
That bitch Karen from Accounts Receivable gave me a polish earplug!
After you’re finished waxing the pussy, she sucks off the residue leaving a little shine on your dick.
If a girl offers to give you a dick polish you should kindly accept because it saves you time having to clean yourself.
Someone who is undeniably a chad
And is from Poland.
Hey who's that guy?
Oh, hes Brajan, Hes a Polish Chad.
Someone who gets married, then gets divorced , and then marries her/him again.
My parents were a pair of Polish carpenters! They cut the board twice!!!...and it was still too short.
It's when you grab your scrotum in such a way as to constrict and expose the testicles so that they may resemble a tomato while your partner then proceeds to "polish" the "tomato" be it with tongue, appendage, feather, etc., etc..
If you're polishing a tomato I'll give you a moan of pleasure.
Basically a person who enjoys spit-shining balls. Ball polishers get very angry if you call them a polisher. Polish=life.
That person is a ball polisher.
To take a half day off for the first half of your shift.
Timm took a Polish halfer on Monday, after the Sunday night Packer game.