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Raining Trim

When an establishment is full of hot women, who don't necessarily need to be hot.

For it to be Raining Trim said establishment must have a higher percentage of women to men.
Not to be confused with reining trim, when a gentleman is on a particularly hot streak with the ladies and is indeed reining in trim.

'How was the club last night Mr Sanchez?'

'Oh Gary it was awesome, it was just raining trim'

by 8 Car Pile Up December 5, 2011

Rain Collapse

When someone, mainly in 2k, has a lead so great not even a monkey could blow it....annnddd they manage to anyways.

Tyler has a huge lead and was hollering but I sense a “rain collapsein the near future and bean winning by forty

by Earl brown August 28, 2019



Rain in Louisiana created by a mixture of saltwater and oil from spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is really happening...

Jon: They used to say, 'It's raining Cats and Dogs'.

Rebbeca: Yea, now it's raining Oil in Louisiana.

Jon: They call that perto-rain. Tru-story.

by ChrisDocJ June 23, 2010

Ms Raine

Beautiful and well taken care of 💕 And very very spoiled!! by her loving family. she also may put off a little bit as a Alien look alike😂 but trust and believe there is potential and happiness behind those eyes..

Ms raine, 8, 10, 15 years from now when you look up your nick name that pappy gave you, just know that I Jon can’t wait till you grow up and take over the world💕

by Jonny boy from Roma’s November 8, 2021

FaZe Rain

Literally god #fazeup

Faze rain is god 🙏


bloody rain

When you cause a girl to squirt while on her period causing blood to splatter all over evrthing

My girlfrend and I fucked on her period and she pulled a bloody rain

by The morning after pill February 12, 2015

Raver Rain

When a venue packed full of sweaty ravers begins to collect condensation, due to the large mass of sweat 💦 , begins to collect and fall back from whence it originated.

The euphoric skies are opening up with our collective raver rain!

by JakeWillPDX August 31, 2018