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old shit cunt

the old people we work with

Tony is a old shit cunt

by young-shit_cunt October 3, 2010

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oos oos cunt

potty mouth slang predominantly used by eshays who think they know what’s up

β€œOoh hell yea, oos oos cunt!”

β€œYea righttttttt, oos oos cunt... you a pussy, actin’ all tough and Shit”

by Oos oos cunt January 12, 2018

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Clusterfuck of Shit Cunts

Phrase: To be surrounded by a group of people who are all of the lowest quality and whom all deserve a seriously incurable rash of the cock and/or vag region. .

E.g. What happened to you at the pub the other night? Oh bro - I left real early as I found myself surrounded by a clusterfuck of Shit Cunts

by Dsinna October 28, 2020

Red rotton cunt

A derogatory word to exspress your anger at a woman.
Irish in dialect.

That Red rotton cunt better shut up!

by Miss Northside July 16, 2020

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A Raging Starbucks Cunt

A Raging Starbucks Cunt is a raging cunt who LIVES at starbucks and typically order's some long named drink and takes pictures of it for instagram.

an example of the drinks there order -> "double chocolate twisty nips gang bang extra S A U C E shit in my grandad's hole latte" An example of "A raging Starbucks Cunt" is the following

charlie: Hey look she's A Raging Starbucks Cunt taking a picture of her drink.

eric: Yeah she's 100% taking that for instagram.

some smart ass: not all ugly thots that take pictures of there double chocolate twisty nips gang bang extra S A U C E shit in my grand dads hole latte's are doing it for instagram.

charlie and eric at the same time: Yes, all of them.

some smart ass: No!

charlie: betcha your life she's on instagram.

some smart ass: sure

Raging Starbucks Cunt: Yeah im on instagram. uwu rawr.

some smart ass: that bet was a joke right? r-r-right??!?!?!?

(gun shots and screams)

by ugly niglet July 12, 2019

Cracking her cunt

The female equivalent of "busting your balls"

I told my mom I was busting her balls and she said she didn't have any balls. I therefore deduced I was cracking her cunt as I lightly joked around with her.

Jill: Hurry up and get ready Tina, all the makeup this side of China ain't gonna make you look good.
Tina: O quit cracking my cunt Jill, not all of us can be gold digging whores with natural good looks.

by CharliePowerHouse May 29, 2015

Goose Gander Cunt

Used to describe someone that doesn't understand that was is good for most people is also good for them; i.e.; what is good for the goose is good for the gander!

JB: Hey man, our supervisor is a dick, he treats us like shit but expects to be treated like a king!?!
L: Yeah, he is just a Goose Gander Cunt!

by DJ Talleo September 11, 2015