When the One-Handed Sack Basket is insufficient at covering the testicle and penis combo "this problem is most commonly experienced by black men". It may be necessary to use both hands. This is know as a Two-Handed Sack Basket.
Shaniqua "Daaamn you seen Tyron's dick!"
Sally" No somebitch was usin a Two-Handed Sack Basket. I didn't see shit!"
Receiving a hand job from get a milf in the back seat of her late model 2 door coup with bead seat covers.
I went to see Alice, but her kids were home so I only got a fuzzy hand brake.
The act of sanitizing your hands.
I hand sanitizered the pen markings off of my arm.
aright wing Republican patriotic nut, but one still not far right enough for alt-rad right groups such as the KKK
as a Republican leaning Jew, the most towards the radical right I can go politically is to be a right-handed flamethrower; further than that , not only do I personally not want to go there, but I won't be welcomed by the KKK
An I.T. wizard's doer of his/her bidding in the context of getting things done without the need to engage with the great unwashed masses.
No need to ever go out, between Amazon, Uber Eats and my trusty monkey hand, I don't need to go anywhere til the next Brony meet.
Where one person in a group finds something way funnier than everyone else and everyone starts to laugh at that person
Where one person's laugh is so funny that you laugh at it rather than whatever their laughing at.
My friend couldn't stop laughing at cats on YouTube and we all got second-hand laughs off him