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blue buzz

The feeling of sobering up like blue balls for drinking blue buzz. THe feeling of being extremly buzzed and just stop drinking or a conversation killer

Yo last night I had the worst blue buzz.

by melissa takacz (; fatfive July 12, 2008

blue Camaro

Any guy from age 13-21 who wears blue jeans. Very derogatory.

Please don't call me a blue Camaro. Call me a teenage guy with blue jeans.

by dangnuggets November 5, 2016

Blue Rhino Hunting

The act of going out late at night going to a quary putting a propane tank in the water and then shooting at it with tracer bullets.

Bro, u missed out on a great night of Blue Rhino Hunting the explosions were so leet!

by Jdrews March 8, 2011

Blue Circling

Blue Circle is a famous cement company, so to be blue circling is to be laying the foundations for something. So for instance if you start coughing very loudly and obviously near your boss, you might be blue circling so when you call in sick the next day it sounds more believable.

"Cough! Cough!" - "Hey Bob, stop blue circling you muppet, we all know you just want to the day off tomorrow because it's Friday."

by MartiniousMouse November 2, 2020

blue cuck

A cuck who is also cold-hearted.

Bro: Did you see the guy asking out Jenny?
Dude: Yeah that blue cuck shouldn't have used her weight as a compliment.

by 8a8y8oy August 27, 2018

Blue Brick

The best bedwars player to grace this planet, who also has Carlosphobia

Zach is such a Blue Brick.

by cheukhinrespecter11 June 16, 2021

Swaybacked blue veined throbber

A throbbing and painfully erect penis throbbererection

Mindy is such a cock-tease. I went out with her last night and came home with a swaybacked blue veined throbber

by Elvis Wept May 28, 2018