The Good Life is an old British sitcom broadcast from 4 April 1975 to 10 June 1978, shown on BBC1. It was written by John Esmonde and Bob Larbey, who also wrote the sitcom Please Sir! which was shown on ITV.
"Let's watch some BBC1, The Good Life might be on"
Hurry to come, hurry to go, and hurry to fade away
Hastily reunited and hastily separated.
Hurry to eat, hurry to talk, and hurry to breathe.
Hurry to enjoy and quickly grow old.
Hurry to be born, hurry to live and die,
We hurry for life.
Quick to laugh, quick to cry, and quick to let go.
Quick to love, quick to hate, and quick to look at each other strangely.
Rush to find each others, and rush to separate in life.
Past life, this life, and another life
We will continue hurrying through life anyway.
A Hurried Life
A syndrome that usually appears in empath people (me), If I compliment people that are royal to me, I always will know whether they're consumption and know their heartbeat but it's hard to say if they're old it'll kill me if I read two people heart beats at the same time.
Shadow, I know you're consuming because I have the third curse I don't tell you it's called Life Blood Syndrome can you please stop saying I'm going to bang my mom
Real definition: creatures of the sea (fish, amphibians, aquatic mammals, etc.)
Fun definition: another way of saying crushes (courtesy of my friends)
Usually, if one has a crush, one will choose a creature of the sea (e.g. Catfish, shark, sperm whale, etc.) and use it as a code name for their crush.
Often (but not exclusively) an animal beginning with the same letter as ones crush- (e.g. Blob fish=Bobby)
The 'sea' can also be used as a code name for 'love life'
Person one: "so how's your sea life been recently, guys?"
Person two: "well, Carp knows my name."
Person three: "My sea is dead, nothing has survived, all sea life is irradiated."
A meme/example/description that's true to life - like true to size, except true to life.
I had a dream last night that I was packing for Mexico but I couldn't find anything to wear, which is true to life since I have no clothes
1. a duo show with Isabella Hin and Madeleine Roger-Lacan at Bubenberg
2. paintings and photographs, aquatic and anadyomene
Did you see Life Saver ? It's a fantastic show.
A completely bullshit term that pro-lifers use when talking about their opposition towards abortion, in that abortion harms the most vulnerable in society. As someone whose autistic, I can tell you the opposite is true and that this complete nonsense. If you see anyone using this argument realize that they are not genuine and that abortion is about taking away your individual rights and not protecting the "sacredness of life". Be a decent person and support the right of a mother to have an abortion, not the rights of a fetus that isn't developed and cannot feel pain.
The Sacredness of life is completely nonsense since pro-lifers only care about taking away your individual rights and could care less about the children who are actually born into the societies they are placed into, and even if you do find the "logically consistent" ones who claim to oppose all attacks on human life, (such as the death penalty and ect) it's still moral dishonesty since you cannot morally justify forcing a woman to give birth regardless what your political positions are. Be a decent person and support abortion rights.