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oh okay

The definition of when you get turned down by a girl you like.

Guy: Hey, I like you.
Girl: Oh okay.

by Awkwardsilence._. May 16, 2018

24👍 7👎

Oh gravity

1. The 6th and latest record by Switchfoot. Released 26th december 2006 under colombia records.
2. The first song off of said record.

Switchfoot has released their new record called "oh gravity!" since december the 26th.

by SwitchfootGurl January 24, 2007

13👍 3👎

oh, joy

Whenever something horrible happens or is about to happen, you say this under your breath. Or out loud. Much to the annoyance of whoever is near you.

Clueless Chaperone: All right, it's time for the slow dance!
Small Children: Oh, joy.

by AlchemyHeart May 7, 2015

14👍 3👎

Uh oh

When it finally starts going downhill, you being to come to the knowledge that there is nothing left for you here. You start spiralling down into despair, and you come to the realisation you will never be able to escape the demons that keep dragging you further and further down. Your only choice here is to give into the voices and you must killthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemk ͈̅ĭ̵̼l̵͇̈́l̶̘͝ţ̶̽h̶͓̀ê̵̜m̴̱͐k̵̭͝i ̞́l ̞͘l ̝̿t̶͚͒h̴̤͗ȇ̶̥m̵̋ͅk̶͚͌i ̱͛l̵̙͘l̴̥̾t̶̹͐h̶̟̍e ̪̊m̶͓̃k ͎̍i̴̬͊l ̖̈́l ͉́t ̥̋ḧ̵̳́e ̜̾m̵̧̎k ̺̒i ͔̈l ̢͊l ̺̕t ̮͋ḧ̵̲́ě̵̯ṃ̴̚k ͇͠i̴͇͝l ͇̄l̵̰͛ẗ̴̟́h̴̘̒e ̹͛m̶̻̑k̵̢͒i̵̗̍ĺ̵̙l̴̀͜t ̲͗h ̖̽ệ̶m̵̼̊k̶̼̂i ͚̎l ́ͅl ̫̕ť̵̘h̴̰͝e̶͚͠m ̪̈́k̶̜̇i ̰̈́l̵̬̔l̶̔ͅẗ̶̼h ̥͆ḛ̵̈m̶͇͋k̵̰̈́i̴͉̽l̴̨͆l̴̼͌t ̭̐h̵͇͊ȇ̴̦m ͊ͅk̴̜̐i̴̩̊l ͔̈́ḽ̵̒t ̢͝ḧ̵̟́e̵͈͊m̶̳͐k̵̼̓i ̥̋l ̩̐l ̭͋t ͓͂h ͊͜e̴̓ͅḿ̴̙k ͈̅ĭ̵̼l̵͇̈́l̶̘͝ţ̶̽h̶͓̀ê̵̜m̴̱͐k̵̭͝i ̞́l ̞͘l ̝̿t̶͚͒h̴̤͗ȇ̶̥m̵̋ͅk̶͚͌i ̱͛l̵̙͘l̴̥̾t̶̹͐h̶̟̍e ̪̊m̶͓̃k ͎̍i̴̬͊l ̖̈́l ͉́t ̥̋ḧ̵̳́e ̜̾m̵̧̎k ̺̒i ͔̈l ̢͊l ̺̕t ̮͋ḧ̵̲́ě̵̯ṃ̴̚k ͇͠i̴͇͝l ͇̄l̵̰͛ẗ̴̟́h̴̘̒e ̹͛m̶̻̑k̵̢͒i̵̗̍ĺ̵̙l̴̀͜t ̲͗h ̖̽ệ̶m̵̼̊k̶̼̂i ͚̎l ́ͅl ̫̕ť̵̘h̴̰͝e̶͚͠m ̪̈́k̶̜̇i ̰̈́l̵̬̔l̶̔ͅẗ̶̼h ̥͆ḛ̵̈m̶͇͋k̵̰̈́i̴͉̽l̴̨͆l̴̼͌t ̭̐h̵͇͊ȇ̴̦m ͊ͅk̴̜̐i̴̩̊l ͔̈́ḽ̵̒t ̢͝ḧ̵̟́e̵͈͊m̶̳͐k̵̼̓i ̥̋l ̩̐l ̭͋t ͓͂h ͊͜e̴̓ͅḿ̴̙

"Uh oh, it's happening"

by mommy? sorry, mommy? January 28, 2022

19👍 4👎

oh snizzle

Ghetto way of saying "oh snap!"

Oh snizzle! Look at that dime with her jeans painted on!

by jeru411 July 30, 2008

58👍 23👎

oh boi

When somebody is being an idiot and u need to straighten their dumb self up

Oh boi quit trying to bite that lemon I mean come on m8

by Xjalone May 31, 2016

43👍 16👎

oh mum

damn it or oh shit

oh mum i lost my keys
oh mum i missed my train

friend one - "my friend just got submited to hospital"
friend two - "oh mum"
friend one - "yeah im a bit gutted"

by emmathy February 17, 2006

32👍 11👎