thomas"crazy" the most annoying word in the universe.
thomas wilson is the craziest person in the world everyone wants to fuck him and he loves to eat.
A person who likes other people's moms
My mom is hoping there will be lots of Joe Thomas's at the concert. She's hoping to get some.
A nickname of Thomas Astruc, creator of Miraculous Ladybug and the main reason why fans hate the show.
Thomas Asstruck did it again, he fucked up another character man and I liked Alix damn it!
A person who is all talk and is a huge pussy and is all talk on the internet...
Can you believe this guy hes acting just like a thomas olinger
Fucking squeaky n1gga with a tiny cock. Very unfunny and annoying
That kid over there has a tiny cock it must be Thomas Fisher
Cockney Rhyming slang for "Fucked"
referring to the state of the UK tour operator when it became insolvent.
Person1: "Brexit is a total mess"
Person2: "Yeah mate, it's proper Thomas Cooked!"
(Thomas Cook it) - booking a holiday with no return flight
"mate I've had enough of this place I'm absolutely going to Thomas Cook it"