Protesting against an issue by inconveniencing other people who are not responsible for the issue at hand and powerless to effect any change themselves.
Instead of hassling the politicians and mega-corps, some casual terrorists randomly blocked the bridge and made me miss my doctor's appointment! I may agree with their cause but still hate everything about their indiscriminate actions.
Jim Crow sit-ins were not casual terrorism because they were protesting at the sites of injustice.
A term loosely thrown around by a person that's butt-hurt from losing in a sports debate.
Dude 1: Tank Davis beat the fn brakes offa Ryan Garcia.
Dude 2: You don't know boxing, you're just a casual fan & Ryan had a mole in his camp.
A sports fan that has shallow knowledge of the sport they claim to love, yet thinks they know everything. The worst types of fans to interact with, especially on social media. Only watches major brand teams or schools.
Casual fan 1: Hey bro, how about that Duke UNC game last night?
Casual fan 2: I know man. Can’t wait until Michigan Ohio State in the fall! It’ll be the only game I intend to watch!
The type of girl that wants to look like a princess without all the glamour, but puts in that 1% extra effort into looking fabulous.
Wow! She is such a Casual Princess!
this tv show or movie genre is just when you want to chill and watch every day normal conversations like you have at school, colleges, or diners. or the movies before the lights turn off and you have to be quiet.
this movie has a feel good casual vibes to it.
One of the many YT'S that you should sub to hes an amazing young kid who started his YT channel in 2020 to try and give people a warm feeling (made by casual himself) =)
Person 1: u should go sub to hcasual gamer 6
Person 2: why?
Person 1: if u comment in any of his vids and sub to him u will be entered for a chance to hang out with him and play games w/ him thru google meet 4 a vid! Only lasts until the beginning of may of 2022 so enter now
The ability to allow your body to become prepared both physically and mentally to lift weights with proper form and potential for maximum results
My new Correct Depth accessory is fire! I am casually jacked now!