Source Code

Date Rape

The act of sexually assaulting a calendar. The target for date rapists are usually calenders featuring buffalo penises. The date rape usually takes place near the number 21 for no apparent reason (it is assumed that guys or chicks get horny when looking at the number 21 on the calender and proceeding to try to rape it). It proceeds with the man/chick attempting to coax the calendar into his/her bed. When the calendar anxiously refuses, the man yells at it for a few minutes, hits it, then pierces the calendar right near the number 21. After having sex with it, the man apologizes and cries and weeps telling the calendar to accept his apology. The woman meanwhile, overpowers the calendar and forces it into her vagina where she moves it up and down.

Yo Johnny did you date rape that National Geographic calendar? I heard she was bomb and looks like some freaky deeky stuff.

by Former Calender Victim January 20, 2010

230๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž

boy date

When two heterosexual best friend males go out together on a "date" and have dinner, participate in friendly, masculine activities, et cetera. Sometimes mistaken for a butch gay couple since women are not involved. Definitely not to be confused with boy fun.

Megan: "What were you up to last Friday night?"
Dave: "I went out on a boy date with my best friend Dustin."
Megan: "How was it?"
Dave: "Great. We got steaks at Sizzler, went to the hockey game, and then saw the new James Bond movie at the cinema. Next week we're planning on going to the drag strip because they're having the truck races."

by DRGDLER September 25, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

due date

Your inspiration to do your assignments
The day when you really do your assignments

Professor: What's inspiring you to make the project?
College student: The due date

by senioritistic-student July 4, 2017

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blind date

Dating for the visually impaired

Ray Charles went on many blind dates with his wife, Della.

by beezor March 18, 2007

134๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Blind Date

A sex prank in which the guy does the girl from behind with a window in front of them both and a cupboard behind them. A friend of the guy hides in the cupboard and quietly sneaks out and the two guys sneakily switch positions without the girl knowing. The guy who was initially in the cupboard is now having sex with the girl while the first guy quickly goes outside round to the window to wave at the unsuspecting girl who is suprised to see her boyfriend (or whatever) outside whilst she's still having sex... With someone unknown

Billy was so annoyed at Sally for cheating on him that he decided that he and Bobby should give her the blind date to punish the stupid ho!

by Notebelow December 30, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

date rapist

a person who takes total advantage of a women - when she's intoxicated - pretending to be their friend - more like a fiend -

if you work in a bar restaurant and you really dont know your fellow employees - you should'nt drink - if you cant handle your booze - perfect opputunity for the boss to lay some pipe. Joe is a pin dick date rapist

by Michael Stanley October 24, 2007

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Sim Dating

A romantic relationship between two people's online characters, but not between the actual people themselves. Also known as "Avatar Dating."

It allows for the ultimate "Safe Sex" experience, as well as permitting multiple relationships in multiple virtual gaming environments, such as WoW or Second Life

Yeah, my level 12 night elf has been sim dating her level 17 enchantress for quite a while now... but since she didn't help me out in my last battle with the mage, I'm going to dump her soon.

by Ladderwalker January 27, 2009

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