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Black Knighted

When you are having sex with a girl, and a black guy jumps out of the closet and punches the bitch in the face.

I was fucking Tina last night while Anquan was over, and the bitch got black knighted!

by The Day Walker November 13, 2011

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Cock Knighting

The act of dubbing a girl with your cock, like a king knighting a subject. This must be done while the girl is on her knees, looking up expectantly and patiently.

'She'll officially be my girl friend after the Cock Knighting ceremony'

by NDTBF January 24, 2012

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gallant knight

A man who talks/acts like the medieval knights to the girl that they are dating, acting like a gentleman

'I will see you soon my dear' 'thankyou oh gallant knight'

by Angelbiz May 11, 2015

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lauren knight

A sexy ass bitch who loves D more than her own sister and loves my nans toesnail

I love lauren knight

by Mynanstoesnaillol December 9, 2016

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Green Knight

Exactly like white knighting(defending something with blind loyalty at every opportunity, regardless of any legitimate complaints from anyone else) but specific to Razer gaming products, even in threads where Razer wasn't mentioned at all.

Robert(totally not Krakoff) read a tweet about a new keyboard release from some other company and started to green knight in the thread, bragging about how it doesn't even have macro keys or stupid marketing gimmicks. Bro, do you even hype? Can that keyboard even connect to the lights in your car and animate the dashboard with awesome effects?

by BrandLoyaltyForSale January 12, 2018

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Modern Knight

A White Knight, except they think they are better because it's 2019.

Stop calling me a White Knight! I'm a modern knight!

by Previsithwjsk December 1, 2019

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Drive Knight

Casuals beloved

Drive knight is casuals beloved

by The Casual April 7, 2021

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