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Face the music

1. To come forward; to admit one's own wrongdoings
2. To face reality; to give up on delusions or hopeless dreams

1. Come out and face the music, Jim. I know you've been stealing my pizza from the fridge.

2. I wish I could be a billionaire, too, but we've all got to face the music, sometimes.

by ShAdOwZ January 31, 2010

99๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cuntry Music

Pretty much what today's Country Music sounds like from the early 90's to present day. Twangy and annoying music that all sounds the same. Classic Country is WAY better!

I HATE Cuntry Music!!! The Dixie Hicks sound like cats in heat and Shania Twangy sounds like a cello. Whatever happened to Johnny Cash?

by Mona Lott February 17, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alternative music

A vast music genre that can be similar to pop music, or completely different. Unlike pop music, the artists and bands have real talent. Some alternative bands are Every Avenue, MGMT, and The Naked And Famous. They may not be played on the radio but that doesn't mean they are not great.

Alternative music is a music genre for those who have no music genre.

by FuryGirl2 September 14, 2012

491๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

Underground Music

Here are a few bullet points:

* Music isn't found on MTV or the radio (unless it's a local or amateur station)

* Does not have concerts taking place in Stadiums or huge Arenas where you pay 50-80 dollars to get in.The city government do not close roads and check your bags like at a U2 concert.You don't need a pair of binocuolars.

* Will not be found in small(ish) chain record stores.You might find some in larger places in HMV if it has some signifigance but Tower Records is ussually better for that kind of stuff.

* Music in which singles are not released on widely available Compact Discs featuring 'Radio Edits','Album Versions','Remixes' or 'Music Videos.Instead are released on 7 inch Vinyl Records(7").
What mainstream listeners don't know is that in fact Vinyl Records are NOT something that people stopped listening to in the early 1980s and that throughout the 90s,Vinyl was the norm for most bands,ignoring shoddy cheap CDs and today in the age of itunes it is still being used.

* Music in which when the artists tour,they not get by in Fancy tour buses but in vans - ussually where the band will struggle to pay gas.Accomodation ussually consists of the band sleeping on somebodys floor and not in a 4-Star Hotel.

* Music which does not appear on the cover of next months Kerrang!,Total Guitar or Rolling Stone with an 'exclusive interview'.

Because we'd rather read self-published Fanzines used with a photocopier.

* Music in which Concerts are not advertised taking up whole pages in the National Newspaper.Something more along he lines of the band handing out flyers for their next show.

* Music which isn't recorded at fancy studios with famous producers like Flood.

* Music that isn't signed to a sublabel of the loved-to-be-hated Warner Music Group,Sony,Universal,EMI with big Epic sounding names like 'Atlantic','Capitol','Epic'.Nothing that calls themselves a 'Music Group' or 'Corporation'
Ussually smaller labels set up by bands who release stuff by other bands and don't give loads of crap about Copyright on the CD or Record.Simple and modest,and not scaring people telling them they will be jailed,sentenced to death,Burnt at the stake for public broadcasting,lending,unauthorized copying etc.
A Good example of a band who are into this thing are Godspeed You! Black Emperor.If you don''t know of this band or the 'post-rock' genre,please,keep reading.

* Music that doesn't have music videos shot for every single released.As when it comes to underground,a single is not much more than a 7-inch with a song on each side.Often never connected to albums.
Music videos are just a way of marketing.Most of favourite bands only have one or two music videos of songs that weren't even released as singles.And thats only the ones that are on the successful end of Underground.

* Music that will not have live footage shot professionally but by members of the audience who will always be close enough to the band to produce a good video.
The reasons why mainstream artists need pros to tape their concerts are
a) The majority of people filming use their phones
b) The crowd don't know how to shut up,thus blocking the sound on the camera
c) The people have such a bad taste in video.They'd rather watch what is basically a music video rather than how someone in the audience would see it (and hear it).
d) It can pass as 'commercial',release it on a DVD or sell it on itunes so the music industry will earn another few million.

person#1:Guess whats ironic? None of those 7 people over there have heard of Hawthorne Heights? They must be Underground!

person#2:So Fucking what?
They still appear in Kerrang!,the Warped Tour,and Virgin Megastores.That's NOT underground music!

by HtimS nhoJ July 27, 2009

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classical music

The true old school of all music.

Your mom is classical.

by yeah May 7, 2003

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pop music

1. Utter corporate shit that the men in suits push on the public in order to dumb down the populace. It is manufactured to the max by some "songwriters" in Europe who think music can be put together like Lego sets - I could write better lyrics and music than what's on these "songs" when I am STONED. Pop music acts concentrate more on their looks, sexuality and choreographed dance moves. ALL of those teenybopper pop acts suck out the unwashed ass. The fucking Spice Girls started this trend of trash about 10 years ago and the public have been sheep ever since. We need a punk-like rock and roll movement to bring music back to the people.

2. A chart-topping new wave hit for M in late 1979.

1. Quit playing that Britney Spears crap! She can't sing. Here. Play this U2 CD instead. U2 rocks. That Britney Speares CD ain't good for nothing except for use as a frisbee, and then you should fling it in the fucking trash can.

2. ... New York London Paris Munich everybody talk about pop music
talk about pop music, talk about pop music
shimmy shimmy doo-wop pop pop shoo-wop...

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 1, 2006

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music appreciation

Music appreciation involves an understanding of the elements of music, musical forms, musical styles, and periods. The cultivation of an understanding and sensitive awareness of music

Music apreciation should be a required subject in school.

by burgerz April 20, 2005

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