Some1 on Instagram who lacks in the grammar department. Grammar Mustards might think of themselves as grammar masters but spell master and mustard. For example, the first found Grammar Mustard was discovered by Sophia and Stella. :)
"That's not how you spell that Sofa, you grammar mustard"
Yoboi Mustard is a sexy ass rapper from Moreno Valley,California he’s a future legend in the rap game he’s nothing but a Pure Gasser,A Goat in his city,His music is pure gold and hard.Real Artist.
Yo You listen to Yoboi Mustard?
Yoboi Mustard music is fire
Yoboi Mustard is goated
A very and an increasingly popular sauce or sandwich spread especially among the Millennial generation and today’s youth, chiefly due to the fact that regular mustard is now almost exclusively eaten mainly by adults in their forties or older, see: Yellow Mustard
My father and mother primarily eat yellow or spicy brown mustard; most or practically all millennials and today’s youth will only eat honey mustard sauce if they even eat any kind of mustard at all
a racial slur used against east asian people
''shutup you stinky little mustard monkey!''
Being from ledbury and having a minge like Coleman's mustard
I thought I'd become a taxi driver bit then got assaulted and now I can only smell mustard, at least I haven't got covid, god bless mustard minge
Woman who like to yell “MUSTARDDDDDD” from Tv Off - by Kendrick Lamar
Ugh, those two dumb bitches Triniti and Serina are such Mus-tard girls 🙄
You really need to turn things around if you’re a mustard girl…
the word your mom uses when shes mad at another driver .
Mom: you mustard brain pee knuckle !!!!