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drama on quotev

a bunch of drama on quotev that i know of and heres a whole summary so listen here sisters

• jacob getting accused of eating dog by seb and gage for no reason ( and making a joke out of it in the end )
brii trying to get clout by deactivating and reactivating
• brii being transphobic
• river going after people and their stupid asses
• people getting mad at jacob for calling them carrot accounts
• kpop accounts getting accused for sniffing for drama
• transphobic people siding with brii because ‘ we shouldnt hate on her for what she thinks is right ‘
• alexis and yuko screaming over monsta x ( not drama but they r underrated and honestly it is kinda drama 😔 )
• taylor hating on jungkook accs for coming after her ( again , not drama but pretty funny )

“ did you hear about brii being transphobic? “
“ yeah , thats some harsh drama on quotev. “

by riverrererer October 3, 2018

drama cryptonics

Speaking in a way that maximizes drama, but avoids sending any real message. A person speaking drama-cryptonics will use lengthy adjectives, but then not have time to say what is wrong, leaving the listener to guess what is wrong.

"I haven't heard from Joe is he ok?"
"I don't know, he sent me 6 texts telling me how terrible he feels but didn't have time to tell me what's wrong. He is sending me nothing but drama cryptonics."

by NoDrama82 September 9, 2022

Drama Tampon


A person that creates and gravitates towards so much drama that they seem to be absorbing it in a manner that resembles a feminine product designed to soak up the byproduct of the female menstrual cycle.

See: dramadrama queen

Have you seen Kanye West's latest Twitter feuds? That guy is a drama tampon.

by Come on Fwqwhgads February 18, 2016

Drama Dragon

A person with a huge dick acting like a drama queen.

On Facebook, a guy posts a pic of himself shirtless,

Girl "Nice Boobs, haha jk."

Guy"Those aren't boobs those are pecs"

Girl "Quit being such a Drama Dragon"

by Holyroller17 September 18, 2011

Drama groupie

To be all in the business when there’s tea/Drama that has nothing to do with you

That bitch Ashley is a drama groupie she’s always in something

by Bigdaddypimp6304 September 18, 2019

Drama slave

A person who is slave of drama

I am a drama slave. I can't stop watching tv everyday. My life is boring.

by Goodchild May 13, 2015

No Drama December

Girls get ready!
Don’t get into any drama at all during the whole month of december

“Do not get into any drama during no drama December

by Zakaboi November 4, 2019