Source Code

[office ninja]

1. A code name (like "code monkey") for people that are sneeky, creative and have brilliant ideas in the office but these ideas are not related in the office directory that he/she works in. 2. An office ninja will secretly take your office suplies while your not knowing it. 3. An office ninja always will have a red stapler.

Bill: hey, Ted did you take my pens? Ted: No, do I look like an "office ninja" to you?

by Brian Luick October 20, 2008

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Office Space It

taking any electronic device that stopped working and beating the crap out of it.

we are so going to office space the shit out of that laptop. WERE GOING TO OFFICE SPACE IT!

by Attcus July 6, 2012

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office couple

Two people who work together and have sexual tension so thick that everyone can feel it. They use any excuse to flirt and chat at the office, but one or both are married to other people. It can make work functions a bit uncomfortable when the spouses attend.

I can't tell if they're just an office couple or are truly having an affair.

by Trapezeus August 10, 2017

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office administrator


she makes her secretary job seem more important than what it is by calling herself an office administrator

by thetruthhurtslol March 24, 2010

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office douchebag

That guy seen in almost every movie which includes some form of corporate company; that one well-dressed and successful office douchebag who is on top of the food chain.

Some you may have seen:
- Bill Lumbergh (Gary Cole), "Office Space"
- Luis Litt (Rick Hoffman), "Suits"
- Howard Hamlin (Patrick Fabian), "Better Call Saul"
- Therman (Zach Galifianakis), "Dinner for Schmucks"
- Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill), "The Wolf of Wall Street"

Jim - "Hey, Sean. I was passing by the water machine yesterday and did you see Carl's attitude towards Bryce Man, he is such an office douchebag. And the way he parades around like an alpha male and smiles."
Sean - "Yeah, man. He even smells like one too."
Jim - "What would an office douchebag smell like?"
Sean - "Like spicy musk, something like that."
Jim - "Ah, I get you."

by AJollyGoodJester May 15, 2016

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office snatch

Female coworker specializing in all things persnickety. Warm chairs displease her and you might as well kill yourself if you leave her off a meeting invite. AIM is her BFF, helping her create and feed office rumors.

It's common in office snatches to whine about being overworked. Typically, they're cold creatures known for turning up the thermostat to the displeasure of fellow coworkers.

Many seem pregnant but in the majority of cases they are indeed just full-time bitches, and not pregnant. It's important to beware and cautiously await announcement just in case.

If that rumor spreading, office snatch brings another fucking blanket to a meeting, then whines about warm chairs, I'm going to rip it out of her feeble hands and choke her.

This shit talking, office snatch needs to cool her jets and quit acting like she's better than everybody before I get in her grill.

by playfulpolly August 12, 2011

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Officer Asshole

Someone who hits the last of a bong, bowl, or pipe. Someone who is picked or volunteers to hit mostly ash to clean out after smoking and/or before repacking.

"Give me the bong I'll be Officer Asshole"
"Officer Asshole Alert! Hit it! (hands the bowl to next person in group)"

by CARA ROSENTHOR <3 August 14, 2017

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