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old tip

A condition in which the tip of the penis becomes visibly older than the shaft and the balls, slightly resembling the face of Benjamin Button. Most commonly results from unprotected sex with loose women, however, only a small number of cases are reported each year – possibly due to shame.

Ex. #1. (Tyler)– Hey Ben, did you hit that tv reporter from last night? (Ben)-Yeah, bitch gave me old tip!

Ex. #2. (Fallon)-Hey old tip, have you ever seen Benjamin Button? (Simon)-(Sigh) Oh, you mean the curious case of every time I masturbate…(sobs).

by t.hevinj March 10, 2010

40πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

old english

A type of beer usually 40 oz.

Damn i was getting fucked up off that old english.

by BanginShorty4 August 13, 2006

212πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

old boy

A shortened text for "good old boy". Often shortened to "ol boy".
A positive reference to someone as an ok kind of guy.

That old boy there is a pretty fair hand.
Who is that ol boy standing next to Ralph?

by ROWLV May 23, 2016

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

old head

An older person (used disrespectfully). Usually an old head is in denial about age.

Look at that old head trying to get a job at McDonalds!

by Ami 06 May 13, 2004

403πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž

old coot

Dirty old man whose whole life revolves around passing gas at work and growling uncontrollably at sumptous young women at the coffee shop.

"Has the King of Pain put in his retirement papers yet?"
"Not yet."
"The old coot is going to lose it all if he doesn't act quickly!"

by bullydog55 February 15, 2008

108πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

old girl

Can be a number of things. Mostly it's the new flavor of the week, they are called this til they graduate to "Baby Momma" or "The Wife." Often times, old girl is a called this because she is kept on the DL and/or your ashamed of her.

"I think old girl put something in my drink"

Reggie: Whatchu doin tonight?
Ab: Chillin out with old girl.

by Manny Diaz May 2, 2005

137πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

old times

When you sleep with your brother on the same bed but its nothing sexual. It also means that you rub your feet along his thigh not doing gay rave

Bro can you give me old times but no gay rave

by Rava365 December 7, 2015

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž