A stoner who is broke as fuck so they desperately scrape every bit of weed particle from their grinders every single day till the next time they can buy more
Bobby: shut up fat bitch
Shmurda: atleast I’m not broke you dirty weed scraper
Nasty brown cheap weed that smells like dirt or hay. Usually smoked by people with very poor connections and limited funds.
"Hey look here comes Ed lookin for his dollar bag of brown weed again. Sell him some of that dirt over there. He'll never know."
Marijuana that is grown in Japan.
My friend had some Weeb Weed he got from his trip to Hokkaido, so we smoked it, watched anime and ate all of the snacks he brought back.
1. A familiar piece of regular use in one's glassware collection, that is not a favorite, and does not hold significant financial or emotional value.
2. Any device used for smoking marijuana that is conspicuously horn shaped.
Man 1: Man, I am so sorry. I dropped your bowl on the floor and it shattered.
Man 2: No foul dude, it was just a little weed horn I picked up at the corner store a few months ago.
You: Check out my new sherlock, it looks like a saxophone!
Me: A veritable weed-horn!
The new solution to the equation 2 + 2.
Robot #1: “What is the solution to the equation 2 + 2?”
Robot #2: “I don’t know. What does 2 + 2 equal?”
Robot #1: thinking mode intensifies
Robot #1: “WEED EATER.”
Larry the Cucumber: “Now THAT’S funny!”
a person that smells of marijuana
Yo that freshman smells like a weed freshener