Jinyoung uses peach condoms, shampoo, shower gel and has nice peach. He is so extra.
Know around te northen suburbs of Melbourne needy for attention and she goes by the name Erin
Beyoncé is being extra at cloud agian
Someone who does the most for every situation and takes every joke to the extreme. Crosses all the lines ever.
Jaron is so extra. He not only photoshopped a tattoo of Chick fil a on his back, he got pictures taken at a tattoo parlor to make it look even more real.
The Shadowhunters fandom.
The Shadowhunters fandom is so extra, they raised over $20,000 for charity, hired a plane to fly over Netflix HQ, had billboards at Times Square and in Seoul, tweeted #SaveShadowhunters over 12M times, created their own Merchandise, named two stars, collected over 143.000 signatures on change.org, and more to save their show from cancellation.