A guy who is the kindest person alive. He will pick you up when you fall down. He is sweet, attractive, kind, compassionate, empathetic, sympathetic and courageous. He is the best boyfriend that any girl could get. I'm lucky to have a Brodie in my life. He is tall and handsome. He doesn't take any shit from anyone- that's why I love him! He is always here for me, he is adorable and charming. ♥
I love you Brodie! (; ♥
Girl 1: Say hi!
Girl 2: *Monotone* Hi
Girl 1: Okay, bye babe!
a fucking simp goat with apparently a small ukranian dick
bruh that nigga Brodie a simp
Brodie is a cool kid and is a member of the tea detectives hi guys
The retarded version of the actual name Brody
That nigga Brodie is a fraud, but Brody is a big homie
Brodie is the smartest girl ever, she loves borrowing her friend's AirPods, she uses them to Flex on people.
"Wow! It's Brodie!"
"Yeah, they ain't her airpods tho"
a weird friend that has a annoying little brother with small pp, despite brodie being very weird and dumb he gets on with life playing afl and tends to play basket ball, brodie tends to be gay qite often but says he is strait, his favorite game fornite.
An overall wanker, no one likes him, he’s a dick and legit dosent have over 1.5 inches, not only is he clapped his personality stinks, I hate this man.
hey look it’s brodie
“I fucking hate that guy”