He's literally everything you could ever want in a guy. He's a handsome gentleman with just a slight hint of mischief in his kind soul. And no matter where you see him or who he's playing, you're guaranteed to love him. If not, you're either not a woman or just someone who's not attracted to men. I'm sorry but men better than Mark Pellegrino just don't exist. Oh, and ladies, if you ever think you'll be his Superman and save him from the horrors of his life, just remember that God threw some kryptonite in the bowl while creating him. And guys, don't hate your girls for living him. They can't help it. He was designed to be loved.
Girl #1: Okay, if you could marry any celeb, who?
Girl #2: Mark Pellegrino duh. Who wouldn't choose him? He's literally kryptonite. *swoons at the thought of being with him*
Individual male who single-handedly managed to accumulate a massive amount of rumors about himself by doing nothing. Was able to pass as 21 at age 16. Was also able to pass as a gangster.
The first name is never used by itself, unless you're a n00b.
One who is prone to quoting cartoons in every sentence.
(Can also be an adjective.)
ex A: What up, Mark Perry?
ex B: Hey it's Joe, Bob, and Mark Perry.
ex C: You thought he was 23?! That's so Mark Perry.
A person targeted by Facebook, who clicks on, answers and falls into every trap.
Clarence fit their profile, answering every bit of bait - the name of his first pet, where he'd met his partner, his favorite color. It was so much fun! Oreos! My first car? A Honda Civic! He was a permanent resident of Suckerberg, the perfect Suckerberg Mark. 'Wait wait, they're asking the last four digits of my SSN in reverse order! Only one in ten can do it! I'm a genius.'
The marking a person leaves on a dick after sucking down to hard while deep throating a penis.
Patty left some weird throat marks on my penis after deepthroating me, I'm pretty sure she was having acid reflux problems from the loss of skin on my dick.
The BEAUTIFUL, HAWT, and SEXY human being. The lead singer of Vesta Collide
Say one bad thing about Mark Pfromm, and I will slit your throat
AKA your death.
After completing the mission Sayonara Salvatore, setting foot in this particular area will almost always result in instantaneous death by trigger-happy, shotgun-wielding Leone Family gangs. Unless you have a beefy tank to drive around, you'll always be one shotgun blast away to your quick demise.
Claude: *casually drives around Saint Mark's*
Leone Family gang: We don't do that here.