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Banshee Rape

When you get humped in the face by a vagina, with or without undergarments.

Dude #1: Dude what happened to your face!? You're all bloody!!

Dude #2: Dude my girlfriend was pissed so she banshee raped the shit out of me. It was the worst possible thing that I could have ever imagined. I wouldn't ever wish it upon anyone ever!

by COB IKEMAN May 31, 2010

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Dance Raped

Past Participle. When a creeper at a club starts grinding on a girl without her consent or even asking her.

We went out to the club last night and my creeper friend dance raped like 20 girls.

by KO728 October 23, 2008

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Swagutory Rape

When a male uses his swag (which is never anything special or abnormally impressive for a guy his age: minimum wage job, beat up car from the mid 90's, clothes he bought at a discount price from the Hot Topic he works at) to attract underage girls who are not used to boys their age having such things. He does this out of desperation; ladies his age find his advances hilarious and sad.

He will often and mainly use Facebook, Twitter, or any form of social networking where young and impressionable minors are prominent. He will also target girls who are a bit out of date and or cliche; scene girls and leftover Myspace whores are always messaged first.

Creeper 1: Yeah man, you didn't hear? He took TWO fifteen year olds to the movies at the same time. That's pretty pimp of him.

Creeper 2: Wow, that's pimp of him. They must be impressed by his discount Louis V gear. Definitely a case of Swagutory Rape going on there.

by K. Cobra November 8, 2011

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Gaping for a raping

To not cover your back when things go wrong so you will get the blame. To leave your self open for a severe ass kicking. Become the fall guy through lazyness.

Did you get those designs finished? You know the deadline was tonight.

No, I couldn't be bothered.

Man, you've left your self gaping for a raping.

by Lonz101 October 15, 2011

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rape steak

A frat boyโ€™s penis

I went to Steveโ€™s party and he asked if I was hungry for rape steak. I was pretty rankled

by ValkoraKalri February 7, 2018

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elephants raped

This is a comic exaggeration of pain and soreness from some activity such as sports.

Gawdddf, l feel like elephants raped me after that football game!

by I, Wreckerrr June 6, 2021

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internet rape

when one instant messages somebody, and unknowing to the other person, begins jerking it in conversation

a man had 15 IM windows open, and was jerking it, therefore he internet raped 15 people..

by GILIITCIH December 2, 2003

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