this old saying was used to describe a person that uses his 12 year old sister to buy alcohol when he cant
''Yo, little sister I know you are 12 years old, sus edition, but can you buy alcohol for me?'', I am a Hans Oluf on a weekend.
A weekend in which one does nothing productive and has little social interaction with others. For a true french weekend, one must not leave one's home/dorm at all on Friday or Saturday. Usually, one gets more than 24 hours of sleep on friday and saturday nights combined. Lots of leftover food, ramen noodles, and/or Domino's is consumed. Personal hygiene is neglected; Masturbation occurs frequently. French weekends wind down on Sunday afternoon, when one cleans one's living quarters and takes an excessively long shower, in which the balls are washed thoroughly. Only after this thorough washing of the balls may homework or any preparation for the week ahead begin.
Dude 1: "I had a great weekend. What did you do this weekend?"
Dude 2: "Literally nothing bro. I had a French Weekend."
Dude 1: "That's awesome dude. You're so lucky."
A Weekend Junky is a person who would eat healthy food for most of the week, but when the weekend comes they eat nothing but junk food.
Like for weekdays their eating habits would be like a strict diet, while on the weekends they seem to toss that diet aside for just a couple of days then when Monday comes by again they are back on their diets.
Tom: At work Veronica only eats vegetables, and cheese it is hard to believe she is a weekend junky.
When a bunch of guys engage in a full weekend or a brief vacation with the primary intent to violate women (ex. Pussy grabbing)
Donald Trump, Billy Bush and friends planned a huge Billy Bush weekend during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and they even filmed a clip of the conversation on tour bus.
A person who lives a normal life on weekdays, but at the weekend gets so drunk that he/she forgets what happend to him (this whole act happens at home, lonely andwhile playing online games). The preferred beverage is usually beer.
Person 1: Oi where tf is Mike
Person 2: He is a Weekend alcoholist, so probably drinking at home
The first weekend of may is when you lay skin to skin with your partner
“The first weekend of may is lay skin to skin with your partner weekend”
Doing things normally reserved for a weekend when it's actually a work night / school night (i.e. binge drinking).
"I want to get slizzered, pretend weekend anyone?"
"Work was tough after pretend weekend last night."