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cultivating a pearl

What happens when a man has a really sandy vagina.

"Brad sure is in a bad mood. He must be cultivating a pearl."

by Snatchie July 11, 2007

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[pearl] in the [oyster]

Referring to a chicks clitoris. The little bean like part on the outer part of the vagina in between the labias, or lips of the vagina. Vaginas could look like oysters, leaving the clit to be the pearl. Play with the pearl and make the girl happy.

Guy: "Did I find your pearl in the oyster?"
Girl: "YES, YES, YES, YES!"

by findmypearl January 24, 2014

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White Pearl

The part of the ejaculation process where the stream of semen is flowing. He's that one guy separated from the pack. He's that lonely, white, sticky, globe flying through the air, looking for a suitable landing zone as he springs from your schlong.

AKA: King Tugancumin

Britney Spears: Hit me baby one more time... with your white pearl.

Scummy looking fella: Post Spears tuggin on the dudes wanker, scum fella squirts his white pearl right into Spears wide open dick muncher. Hole in one!

by That One Being December 31, 2011

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making pearls

To have sex on the beach

Michael: Shay and I are going to the beach.

Alex:are you going to be making pearls??

Michael: Yeahh ;)

by apexrider January 9, 2011

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pearl necklace

The drops of semen left on a woman's neck and chest after a man rubs his penis between her breasts.

"I heard he gave Chelsea a pearl necklace last night."

by Mysterious Ms. A June 29, 2002

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pearl necklace

when a dude comes on a bitches chest.

Meg: All i want is for J Nasty to give me a pearl necklace.
Caitlin: Matt gave me one last night, and some of it got on my pillow.

by ghettonun. September 2, 2009

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pearl tie

When a man masterbates and ejaculates on himself all the way up to the neck creating a tie of sperm down said man's chest.
Think pearl necklace, but for men.

Damn! I gave myself a pearl tie this morning!

by Daniel Francis Haber February 19, 2008

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