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If a person, of any gender tries hard to impress another person they are romantically interested in.

Or is biased towards how they view them.

Arlon simps for Vanessa.

by // c a k e // August 22, 2020



Hey is that a simp???
No thats just bodie.

by JORDY BODIES BROTHER April 10, 2020


an overused insult against guys whenever they interact with women by incels. Used to hide their feelings of inadequacy and fear of rejection because they’re fat asses who won’t get laid.

guy 1: did you just compliment that girl instead of disrespecting her and being a misogynist with an inferiority complex? SIIIIIMP
guy 2: You will die a sexist, depressed virgin. The only reason you call me a simp is because you know you’ll never be able to satisfy a woman.

by mumxxxx May 2, 2020


A 0 self-worth man who goes out for pussy that’s mediocre at best. He skips out on hanging with the boys to chase after some girl that will drop him the L within the first 10 seconds of any conversation. He sends her hearts and love emojis as if he has 10 fucking brain cells in his head. Often times they go by the names such as Danny, Brian and Johnny.

-Person_1: “Oh shit, there’s Thomas coming. He’s such a simp.”
- Person_2: “Oh fuck, lets get the fuck out of here now.”

by stopsimping July 10, 2020


A simp (a.k.a simp sillen) is when a guy known as matt sillen falls for a girl so he proceeds to scoop them in his 2008 Toyota corolla and buys them pods.

Guy 1: See that kid over their?
Guy 2: Yea
Guy 1: He is simp sillen

by dripster69 June 8, 2020


A man who does way too much for some one other than his wife.

Luke Altorfer is a simp for Madelyn Flanigan

by ajp3107 April 18, 2021


Experiment 239
Codename: Josh
S.ucka I.dolizing M.ediocre P.ussy

A young man who has given his life to women, as all pussy is mediocre.
Will not be moving into the gamer house, as a result of his premarital sex and rampant alcoholism.

Not. Cool. Dude.

Me: "Hey mom! Call Josh a simp!"
Josh: "Nonono, please no!"
Mom: "Josh, you're a simp."
Gang: "Bwaaaaaaaaaahahahaha"

by GummoG June 18, 2019