A gang that never clout chases, always defending each other, never takes disrespect whatsoever.
A gang that doesn’t mind people business.
A gang that doesn’t fuck around with that fuck shit.
Rodak Blue Gang (RBG) is my gang on SoundCloud.
Shoutout to my Rodak Blue Gang.
When your name on Xbox is MineMa5ter233
The female equivalent to blue balls.
Alex you better get on your girl, she's got major Blue Walrus going on. She's frisky as fuck and it's distracting me from my work.
Fully erect penis that has hints of blue from the the joy of clear skies ahead . It is consider to be strong as steel and brings tears of joy to its host.
When Harry met Sally he had a blue steeler.
Hey you can’t close his casket he still has a blue steeler.
Having “Blackstreet Blues” means to have a sort of sadness, in a way that isn’t seen fully. It combines the word “backstreet” (referencing how backstreets aren’t seen easily, and they need to be examined closer) and “blues” (aka, sad).
Person A: Hey man, I heard your dog just got ran over, but you seem to still be smiling. Are you okay?
Person B: Nah man, I got a case of the backstreet blues
A term that started as meaning "gay" but over time, it evolved into someone who's lame by not coming out, missing out, or not participating.
"Chris doesn't want to come out tonight. What a Blue Mooner!"