verb: E-t; 3rd person present: E-ts; past tense: 8; present participle: E-ting; past participle: E-10
When a rapper, most often women, composes unanticipated and exceptional lyrics.
Similar: she ate, spitting, slay, giving, serving
“She always E-ts these bars up”
Just Give SKeppy A Call He Will Scream At The Top Of His Lungs I Am Gonna BE A E BOY HE AKA SKEPPY LOVES BBH AKA BADBOYHAO
Freind Im ALSO A E-Boy SkepBad
When you are so bored out of your mind you do the full number row right, the qwerty row left, the asdf row right, the zxcvbnm row left, then all rows each side going left right like 1029384756
Dude was so bored out of his mind he typed `1234567890-=\poiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'/.,mnbvcxz`=1-203948576q\werpptoyiua's;dlfkgjhz/x.c,vmbn
The iphone has infiltrated every aspect of society...and so has being, looking or acting "emo." It's only natural that a hyper emotional consumer of culture would be called e-phone. Use it to describe an overtly emotional wreck/wannabee who just doesn't have anything together. You might be feeling e-phone just reading's ok just unnecessarily whine and it should be over soon.
Bands, people and things can be e-phone.
Example 1.)
Jessica: "This party's sick. Wait, look at Sean crying over the corner."
Mark: "Yeah, why is he always sooo e-phone."
Example 2.)
"Look at his mascara, side swept dyed hair, blasting to The Spill Canvas on his i-phone. So e-phone
though often broken, the rule of E states that the vast majority of cheerleaders have a name that ends with the sound of the letter E. this applies to nicknames and names that have a common nickname that ends in E
Examples of the rule of E are; Katie, Brittany, Ashley, Bailey, Cathy, Mandy, Dannie, Kimmy.
A Line of High-Performance Eggrobos. The most notable being E-100 ZERO -The main antagonist of Amy's Story in Sonic Adventure, E-102 Gamma - An E-100 robot with a very bittersweet and touching story that'll make you cry, and E-123 Omega, A notable member of Team Dark. Alongside Rouge and Shadow.
E-100 Series? They just pulled that idea from the Terminator series. Classic Sega - Sega Fan
bitch you I r r e l e v a n t get the fuck out my face