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Central Lancaster high school

Welcome to central Lancaster ‘I wanna be a chav’ school, where all the ‘chavs’ and ‘roadmen’ Go. This is the school you want to go too where you get pedophiles as teachers and where you notice that every teacher gets with each other , (including same sex, probably same family too). Central is a ‘outstanding’ school. Known well for the best stardog to be sold on the car park. Known well for a certain teacher loving a quicky in the gym with the caretaker whilst the ‘lights go out’ all the scruffs with ripped up blazers and girls with underwear showing under there not so seen skirt with Their flat arses hanging out. One thing that school needs to sort out good and proper is lessons for teaching the girls (and boys too seen as half of the Lancaster/ morecambe gay boys like to attend the ‘I am a road man school’) to wear makeup properly and on their face instead of their shirt. Not only is this a school for roadmen, crackheads and wrongens, it’s also a school for ‘I’m 12 and pregnant’

So if you fancy your kids being smack heads, wrong end and knocked up at 12/13 the CENTRAL LANCASTER HIGH SCHOOL IS THE SCHOOL FOR YOU😁😁

Mum; (too daughter)well done you’ve got into central Lancaster high school

3 years later

Mum (to daughter): knew you’d turn out to be a smack head going to that school

by Hollipop13 November 13, 2017

22👍 24👎

salisbury composite high school

a school in sherwood park that is full of stoners and hard drugs

hey do you go to salisbury composite high school i hear there real stoners

by bahahah7777 June 8, 2011

10👍 8👎

Thomas Dale High School

A high school located in Chester, Virginia. Most commonly referred to as Dale or TD. Home of the Knights. Dale has many award winning sports teams including football, softball, soccer, wrestling, golf, baseball, basketball, and vollyball. The biggest sports rival is L.C. Bird High School, which is also located in Chester and home of the Skyhawks. They have been considered one of the biggest rivals in America as Dale and Bird are part of the American Rivalry Series. Thomas Dale is part of the Specialty Center program and is the proud Specialty Center of the Arts including music, dance, art, and computer art which are also all award winning. The population is above 2,000 students, and has recently added a new building in 2010 just for a Freshman Campus which took over the previously existing Chester Middle School. Although there are many good things about TD, Thomas Dale is also known as Thomas Jail because of the barracading gates in the commons area that keeps students from roaming the halls during lunch. Also, because of the lack of trust the staff have with teenagers.

-"Did you hear about Thomas Dale High School winning the State Championship in football for 2009?"

by C/O 2010 April 15, 2011

18👍 20👎

West Campus High School

(West Campus High School) An institution in which alcohol and Marijuana is more important than water, drugs are the number-one source of a person's income, and football players get away with anything, including assault and driving under the influence. The ratio of Hispanics to Caucasions is 200:1. Also, if you are a male and have long hair/ wear A&F or Hollister, you are instantly popular. Emo kids, however, are frowned upon.

-Yo man, I wanna get Fucked UP!
-Okay, let's go find some kids who go to West Campus High School, they know where the parties are at.

-Dude, is the A/C broken again?
-Yea, everything is broken here nigga!

-Woah, Kevin's a faggot!
-Dude did you just figure that out?

-Hey didn't we run a train on that girl last night?
-Yea, dude Keith cream-pied her.

by Fidencio January 2, 2008

18👍 20👎

trinity catholic high school

A nice, Catholic, co-ed high school in a nice section of Stamford, Connecticut. Students who attend were very cute uniforms. Most students are preppy(the nice kind, not snotty) but there are also the typical high school cliques such as punks, goths, and nerds. If you ever step foot inside TCHS beware of the midget who is currently a freshmen. I'm not sure what his name is but he freaks me out. Also, watch out for their basketball team. They kick ass.

Megan attends Trinity Catholic.

by RAS15 April 14, 2005

30👍 38👎

St. Joes High School

St. Joes is in Buffalo and on a daily bases get there asses handed to them by Canisius High School "Daisy's". They are known as Marauders or land pirates. They continuously think they are better than canisius because they won one year of Football against canisius and Canisius won all of the rest. They are also known as butt pirates or takers in the ass.

Chad Kelly goes to St. Joes High Schools and is a closet homosexual.

by I hate Private Schools March 19, 2011

84👍 125👎

Charlotte Catholic High School

Ever wonder where the kids with million dollar houses and hundred thousand dollar cars? Yeah, you've found the place. Charlotte Catholic is basically the school everyone sends their kids to so that they can get a good education, but they end up at ECU. Drugs are rampant, sex is everywhere, and bullying is horrible. Yet somehow, parents think they're doing the best for their little kiddies.

Also, fun fact. Ardrey Kell and Providence students on average take double the amount of advanced placement courses as Catholic kids.

Joe: "You going to the Charlotte Catholic High School football game?"
Bob: "Naaa, I'm going to stay home and procrasterbate."

by TheRealSlimShady(no,notthatone November 13, 2010

105👍 157👎