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Monster Juice

A drink so addictive, i have had 3 heart attacks and have had several kidney stones surgically removed because i drank so many of them in 1 sitting

I have had 3 heart attacks and have been disowned by all of my family because of my inability to stop drinking monster juice, please help

by monster juice addict June 15, 2021

gelatinous monster

the type of monster that tends to eat people in a fangorious manner.

And some people are being fangoriusly eaten by a gelatinous monster. hillary's legs are being digested

by zaphod beblebrox September 10, 2003

kizzy monster

Kizzy monster, typically refers to a "Roblox BMer" such as Soup or Time

fuck! those kizzy monsters just sold my valkyrie helm!
These kizzy monsters are really babooning right now!

by Kizzy Monster February 21, 2022

boob monster

A baby or toddler who is obsessed with breastfeeding. May also include a baby/toddler who smacks, scratches, pinches, or does gymnurstics while obsessively breastfeeding.

Baby Apollo won’t let me lay on the couch without him having constant access to my boob, he’s such a boob monster.

by Just Another Mama September 24, 2020

Cookie Monster

A lovely blue furry who will munch on dam cookies. He is native to the Sesame Street and is commonly seen with big yellow cock and the red dictator. Commonly found saying “Umm-num-num” most likely to hide his depression.

Random Guy: “Why are you sad Cookie Monster?”
Cookie Monster: “Without the cookie I’m just a monster…”

*Gun Cocks*
Random Guy: “No! Don’t do it
Cockiest Monster: “Umm… num… numm… cookie.”

by KumonBoy69 July 15, 2021

e monster

a monster created by EVAN and part of the E FOUNDATION


by evanger_11 March 5, 2021

Monsters of Etheria

The successor of Pokemon Fighters EX. This game is very similar to it, just original monsters, and they removed every pokemon- involving thing in the game, which isn't why it took a year to release PFE as MoE once it got deleted. The map and monsters were taken away from me just because they got new tasks in the map, Said they are involved with it so it counts. I want the old map back, but my dreams are broken.

"I got a Poigon in Monsters of Etheria!"

"Nice. I got a Boxling."

"Thats generic and easy to get."

"Well, how do you get Snik!?"



by TheguywhomissesPFE. May 28, 2021