“Hello, Nice to meet you. Could I do anything for you?”
Me: Aye wasshannin wit u?
My Brudda: Boolin stackin bread
Me: Hahaha shut da fuck up yo trap too slow boi you move a brick a month
She snared ay, decently, but what was that twinkle in her eye 🤫
A phrase that Domingo Ayala yells out whenever he feels pain or after he’s taken a swing during BP
(Domingo falls off bike) “Ay dios mio coño”
Northern Ireland come back to a put down
"You're a wee tramp:"... "aye your ma's a fucking tramp"
you say it when someone is doing or say something dumb.
girl 1: haha thats your man over there
girl 2: Dawg ayeeee
L (el)-laugh
M (em)-my
A (ay)-ass
O (oh)-off
oh yh el em ay oh i remember that!!