The way that we tend to group people based on their characteristics. It is a dehumanizing thought process and often collectively the origin of conflict. Stereotypes arise when people are put in boxes. Category culture proponents believe that we are all one and the same.
“Mom, is that a man or a woman?”
“Not sure, why?”
“Because I can’t tell.”
“Well it doesn’t really matter, they are human.”
In this example, the mother introduced the idea that category culture is unneeded for the individual to be understood as human.
The traditions and rituals held by the Jewish people
A bar mitzvah is one of the benefits a Jewish boy can have if he decides to get deep in his roots and discover his Kosher Culture
The ability to speak, read, and write in three different languages but being unable to coherently communicate using them.
The Joon Hoops Groupchat is the epitome of 'trilingual culture.' Most of us are multicultural and can speak different languages but still end up being dumb as fuck.
The opposite of pop culture. Not opposite because of it's level of oddness. Rather, opposite in it's level of uniqueness.
Under ground hip hop, and unsigned indie acts are a core foundation to Kounter Culture.
When your memes are danker than your foes'.
China is influential over 6/6 civilizations needed for a cultural victory!
The ability to go out and get smashed with your rugby team after a game in a variety of different outrageous outfits such as dresses & togas, and not be labeled as weirdos. Because its not gay if its rugby!
Sarah: did you see the rugby boys last night? They were all in dresses!
Beth: well, dressing up is part of the rugby culture!
of good or compassionate in nature or disposition; having or proceeding from a place of compassion, interest, understanding, thoughtfulness and human-kindness for another person, person’s or group based on and because of there cultural or ethnic differences and background.
What you said was not culturally kind.