the funnest place to get caught by all the cops.
in port edwards was the only place i ever got caught by the cops
Port Edwards is a shitty little hicktown
I can’t believe there are actually excited about moving to Port Edwards it sucks ass
A game where the player must duct tape cameras to his hands which both livestream to YouTube. The player cannot remove the cameras until he has been arrested. He also loses if charges are filed.
Man 1: You up for a game of Edward Camerahands?
Man 2: Nah, I nearly got shot last time.
Karly Edwards. A 5ft 5 midget who gets bullied everyday, very moody as well.
The meaning off karly
"Don't be a karly Edwards nonce"
little lad but in a cursive block font. when he was a little lad, Jack Walten made him do the little lad dance..
now jack is gone
but he still likes to do the little lad dance!
"Is that uh Edward Walten from the Walten Files?"
"Yeah but we call him the little lad real here."
Someone who has a 1 inch penis, and who also has a milf of a mother.
They also have 0 game and get boners at parties but they only talk to women about universities.
Is that a Daniel edwards, WOW his cock must be tiny
Really cool person who owns Melanie bot.
Yoo did you hear about Montel Edwards' new Melanie bot update?