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playboy selfie

A selfie that shows stuff but does not at the same time.

Wow, these playboy selfies are really hot

by Mark Norman May 14, 2014

Pleasure Selfie

A pleasure selfie is a selfie taken that has no more than one person. The person is usual smiling, looking serious or sometimes even smizing (smiling with their eyes). A pleasure selfie is most commonly posted on Instagram with the caption being a quote about love, heartbreak, loss, sadness, happiness, the opposite sex. Pleasure-Selfie takers also use captions such as "I'm so ugly", "Deleting soon", Not sure about this' and the good old "#ewmyface" these captions are used for people to say "Oh no, you're beautiful" or "Don't delete you're gorgeous". These Pleasure-Selfie takers can be found in many places so watch and always keep one eye open.

Jim: Did you see Monica's pleasure selfie it was so hot
Bob: Yeah but she's totally fishing for compliments

by lexie_watermelon08 April 28, 2015


Verb: to capture a picture of someone posing ridiculously for a "selfy", unaware of your photo of them and share it online
Noun: a picture captured of someone posing ridiculously for a selfy, who is unaware of someone else capturing their moment.

Tom just selfy-jacked a lady who was making ridiculous faces while trying to capture the perfect selfy.

by character01 May 31, 2013

Self-reflection Selfie

A self-imposed image taken with a selfie camera usually expressing a picture of person’s face after a successful moment of self-accomplishment performing a task that nobody but the picture taker cares about. This selfie can also occur in the moments of a person’s boredom where it is accompanied by a philosophical reference or caption expressing a deep lesson learned, an important self-accomplishment or very insightful self-awareness.

Such photos are meant to socially establish credibility of profound wisdom to the person posting the image and caption about themselves, but often the reference is shallow at best, and serves the purpose of attention seeking individuals who have low self-esteem, little credibility, and little wisdom, if any on the philosophical message emphasized.

Lastly, images are usually of the persons face looking glaringly empty into space or directly at the camera, or after a period of physical exertion to emphasize the struggle that led to such credibility.

Oh look! Lucy has posted her 15th self-reflection selfie this week about how she burned out from her job and is now an executive coach on the subject. Man, if I’m struggling at work, can’t wait to talk to her.

Jeez Gary! He posted another self-reflection selfie about how his commitment to his work is a direct reflection of his ability to run 5km with his Nike sports watch. Wish I can be more like Gary, what a guy!

by dashiszznit April 21, 2024

Self-reflection Selfie

A self-imposed image taken with a selfie camera usually expressing a picture of person’s face after a successful moment of self-accomplishment performing a task that nobody but the picture taker cares about. This selfie can also occur in the moments of a person’s boredom where it is accompanied by a philosophical reference or caption expressing a deep lesson learned, an important self-accomplishment or very insightful self-awareness.

Such photos are meant to socially establish credibility of profound wisdom to the person posting the image and caption about themselves, but often the reference is shallow at best, and serves the purpose of attention seeking individuals who have low self-esteem, little credibility, and little wisdom, if any on the philosophical message emphasized.

Lastly, images are usually of the persons face looking glaringly empty into space or directly at the camera, or after a period of physical exertion to emphasize the struggle that led to such credibility.

Oh look! Lucy has posted her 15th self-reflection selfie this week about how she burned out from her job and is now an executive coach on the subject. Man, if I’m struggling at work, can’t wait to talk to her.

Jeez Gary! He posted another self-reflection selfie about how his commitment to his work is a direct reflection of his ability to run 5km with his Nike sports watch. Wish I can be more like Gary, what a guy!

by dashiszznit April 21, 2024

Selfie Shock

The unexpected sensation one gets when using their phone to take a picture, only to discover that they left the camera in selfie mode.

Ohh, I want a picture of,… who the hell is that? Oh, it’s just me giving myself a Selfie Shock

by Jfman August 30, 2018

manly selfie

There is NO such thing!!!

Girl 1 "Do you believe in the Manly Selfie"
Girl 2 "He'll no!!!!"

by I Eat Banana April 8, 2018