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brown sandwich

The act of defecating in a bed and then squashing the resultant faeces with the top sheet and/or quilt to hide the evidence.

Can be accidental due to a loose stool or a deliberate act of revenge. Popular in a hotel environment where it can prove an unwelcome surprise.

"I found out my girlfriend had been cheating on me so I gave her a brown sandwich while she was at work and left with all my stuff."

by Bweahns December 11, 2008

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The Fakie Sandwich

When you know a guy likes you so you msg them "bring a condom. Oops wrong convo" just to be a dick and get them to stop hitting on you

Klaudia gave nik the fakie sandwich

by You'remother November 9, 2013

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Front sandwich

The vagina.

Dude, that chick had a tasty front sandwich.

I'd like to eat that front sandwich.

My front sandwich is cheesy?

You couldn't fit any more into that front sandwich.

Those pants are so tight i can see her front sandwich

by Mon-eeeee November 2, 2010

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dinner sandwich

to get 2 (or more) slices of bread, and then place contents of your dinner or breakfast into the slices.
making dinner quicker and tastier

kid 1 : yo man wat ya doin?

kid 2 : im makin a dinner sandwich bitch!

kid 1 : im gona get on that train

by 5cr3amo February 6, 2009

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Zajicek Sandwich

(V.)You fool around with a girl. She fools around with a different guy. You fool around with her again. This all takes place within a short time frame. AKA sloppy thirds from yourself...

You go to a party and you fool around with a girl. The next night some guys fools around with the same girl; the first guy fools around with the girl that same night. This ends up being the Zajicek Sandwich...

by Ron Diaz February 17, 2009

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Denver sandwich

A Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb (preferred) and a Snickers bar. Generally munched after catching a major cannabis buzz.

"Man, that J hit the spot, now I'm jonesing for a Denver sandwich."

"Okay, I'll whip in to this 7-11 and you can score one."

by da Chetster March 8, 2009

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mayonaise sandwich

When you fuck a girl from behind, pull out and bust between her ass cheeks and mash them together.

That cunt didn't want me to bust in her, so I gave her a mayonaise sandwich

by BigBoy June 8, 2004

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