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Awesomely Epic

More Epic than Awesome and More Awesome than Epic

I'm so Awesomely Epic!
No your not. Dick.

by Paddy :D August 29, 2010

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reeks of epicness

When someone or something exemplifies grandeur beyond greatness. Mostly used by teenage boys on Youtube to describe Lord of the Rings trailers.

1. Wow that trailer reeks of epicness! Can't wait to see the movie.

2. Shit! That ninja cat reeks of epicness!

by Alexander the Rapist April 9, 2010

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Epic Party

A party of epic proportions, everyone gets wasted. Party grows until the cops come in and end it. A party that everyone remembers. Even the police.

Police: that was most epic party we've crashed man

by yourmotherisgayerthanme November 6, 2009

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EPIC MeLLOW is a YouTube channel/group channel. The channel was made by B.J. Estep Jr also known as mellow. The channel consist of a vlog series called MGB VLOGS. Mellow also does reactions,skits,vlogs,ect. The channel features the band members of bjs band. Bill Tackett,Kevin Elswick. So basically epic mellow is behind the scenes of Bj,Kevin,and bills band "October Red".

Person 1: have you watched the epic mellow channel
Person 2:yes it made my brain cells go away
Person:1 YAYYY

by Mrawesomedude June 8, 2017

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Jaydenz Epic

an epic gamer that only talks to brianna at night with writton watching youtube sometimes and agent gay pee pee poo poo check

jaydenz epic is epic

by GAYFUCKER900 September 25, 2020

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Epic Auburn

Auburns that are (gasp!) even more epic than Supergingers, and have the right to Gingerpimp, as well as all the privelages Gingers have in society.

"Hey, I heard you like gingers"
"Fuck no. Epic Auburns are sexier"

by Kuroi Seifuku January 28, 2013

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Epic Games

The people who made a game that is like candy to children and made a Steam spyware rip-off

"Epic games, where games are epicness" - Pyrocynical

by YEET'ER March 15, 2021

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