Source Code

Bot Commander

1. The Roblox game of the same name.
2. A rank that would likely be given in a AI Robot Army. Would be similar to the Colonel rank in the Army.

1. That Bot Commander Game on Roblox is such a banger.
2. Look at that retired robot! He's a Bot Commander! Disguising rude old man!

by Jaeger_Battalion December 5, 2020

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Russian bot

A social media account financially backed or operated by a Russian government agency engaged in spreading disinformation, hate and negative trolling for the purpose of causing disruption, mistrust and division among the peoples and governments of their adversaries, especially against the US, Europe and other NATO allies.

Quote from BBC News article: How Russian bots appear in your timeline
"Her comments come after prominent social media accounts were exposed as Russian bots."

by Hargett March 29, 2021

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a robot that easily fell in love with korean mostly originated from malaysia. highly dangerous if approached closely.

don't look at that korean girls like a bot

by aku_akula March 3, 2010

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Bitch Bot

-A bot on a video game who is abnormally good and literally beats the hell out of u every round or game. And you end up being extremely mad
bot in games such as gears of war 2

-"mother fucker that damn bitch bot killed me again"

-"son of a bitch those fuckers double teamed on me"

by pattyfatty22 February 14, 2009

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A nanobot, most commonly powered by the intealligent brain simulation system Microquanch, used to masquerade as a human being.

You're no quanch, you're a quanch-bot!

by quanch December 8, 2003

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The group of people known as bro's. Bro's tend to dress the same because they dont have any creativity or style of their own. Hence, Bro-bots.

group of bros move in direction of metal party
Metal Bob: whoa... theres an army of... BRO-BOTS!
Metal Dave: Shit man, talk about attack of the clones!
bro's: YO digity-daaaaaaawg! Let us in.
Metal Bob: Hell no, no bro's allowed.
bro's: does not compute. system overload.

by Cody Spagrud May 10, 2007

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Bots army

Thayoli Asith pundan has the biggest bots army and fanbase on twitter. Every time aamais calls others for a tag war which they know they will lose, but by using bots somehow they survive.

Dei bots punda ... mudhala bots army illama tag war ku vaada thayoli

by Annvm February 28, 2021

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