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awkward hug

When hugging a girl and she leans her cheek into your face expecting to have it kissed, but insted you just give the hug.

She gave me a wierd look after that awkward hug.

by jamaldbestt November 2, 2006

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awkward turtle

(adj) The term "akward turtle" was created in Bronxville, NY and spread quickly all around Westchester, and probably exists in different areas around the United States. Awkward Turtle refers to a turtle on it's back, a situation most commonly known to turtles as akward, thus, akward turtle. There is also a hand motion for the "akward turtle...that being the right hand over the left hand with palms facing up, with your pinky and thumb fingers moving about, as if the turtle was trying to get up..

Oh my god So I was talking to Becky about STDs and I forgot she had syphilis...it was mad awkward turtle

by imtheman May 15, 2006

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awkward snowsuit

level 3 in the "Levels of Awkward". Snowsuits (for those who have not worn them) are MUCH more awkard than mittens or turtles. you practically are prohibited from normal movement. your arms tend to not be able to come down all the way at your sides, and you tend to have to waddle, swaying back and forth, much like a penguin.

person 1: i grabbed my friends' toe from under the stall in the bathroom...only...it turned out not to be my friend...or their toe.

person 2: that's SO awkward snowsuit!

by SMM Youth Group June 8, 2007

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Awkward Turtle

In common useage in essex. Whenever an awkward or tense situation arises, the tenseness can be examplified by this gesture. You hold one hand out straight with fingers splayed. The other hand goes on top with the fingers curling in between the gaps in the fingers. Now all fingers curl to make a sphere (the shell of the turtle). Finally the thumbs on both hands are rotated.

Man 1: Man she's fit.

Man 2: Dude, that's my sister.


Passer-by does Awkward Turtle.

by Awkward! May 9, 2010

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Awkward Umbrella

Words used to describe the gesture made by your left hand after a line or series of lines have been spoken that have now resulted in an uncomfortable silence or noticeably awkward moment. The person executing the "Awkward Umbrella" is holding up an imaginary umbrella and moving their head around slightly to try and stay under this imaginary umbrella being blown by the imaginary wind.

Blah Blah made another awkward comment about her imaginary friends. So I whipped out my awkward umbrella hoping not to get wet from her awkward comments.

by FLICKA_DA BOWLER July 24, 2009

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Awkward Sausage

A person hanging out with one or more people and is:

1. Not talking or making little to no effort to start or sustain a conversation
2. Killing the "vibe"
3. Noticeably sticking out from the group as if he/she were a white man playing streetball in Compton
4. Not really wanted, but just sort of there
5. Overall somerone who will be remembered for being so awkward and so...weird

Example One:
Chad: "Dude lets hang out"
Blake: "Yeah sure man...oh crap here comes Dillon"
Dillon: "Hey"
Chad: "Hey man"
Blake: "Hey hows it going"
Dillon: "Good.............................................Hows Life?"
Blake: ".....Dammit Dillon why do you have to be such an awkward sausage."

Example 2:

Pete: "So I saw you were making your move on Lisa last night"
Carl: "Well I was trying but frcken Tim was following us around the whole time and doing nothing but staring at us with his creepy little eyes."
Pete: "Dammit, Tim's such an awkward sausage"

by UrbanMessiah November 20, 2011

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Awkward Roger

Similar to an awkward boner, an awkward roger is an untimely male erection. While not visible to onlookers, the erection is felt by the aroused male and, thus, elicits a response of awkwardness. An awkward roger can occur in the following situations:

1. While in the process of an important job interview (employer or potential employee)
2. While attending a funeral
3. While holding a friend's newborn child
4. While public speaking
5. While meeting in-laws, a foreign dignitary, or religious leader
6. While ordering a sandwich at the deli
7. While being fitted for a tuxedo
8. While at the customer service desk at a department store
9. While getting pictures taken with Santa Clause
10. While lifting something heavy
11. While using public transit
12. While lighting a friend's cigar
13. While watching your child's school play
14. While confessing your sins to a priest
15. While receiving an award

Bill: "Oh Brian, Elizabeth is so adorable. Can I hold her?"

Brian: "Of course."

Bill: "She's so swe--"

Brian: "What's the matter."

Bill: "Awkward roger!"

I met Pope John Paul II the other day and got an awkward roger just as I was leaning in for a hug.

by Lance Stickman March 7, 2011

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