Source Code

lil bro

some one who is fucking stupid and think's he's cool

Example a: What does lil bro think he is

by hcdczbfsdbvc h9301q March 3, 2023

123πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

lax bro

a lax bro is a guy who plays the dope sport called lax. He acts pretty gay, using language like β€œbroski” , β€œstoked”, and β€œbrah” to communicate with other fellow lax bro members. They grow their hair to their shoulders which is known as β€œthe flow”. 99.999% of the time a lax bro is white and originates from the east coast of America. They drive yachts, get hoes, and wear preppy clothing like vineyard vines polos, madras, rainbow reefs, high white socks, and hemp necklaces. Some common lax bro names are Shawn, Chad, Todd, Brian, and Brett. Lax is their god, and he will always come first. #BrosBeforeHoes #LaxBeforeHoes

*Arrives at Nantucket*

Cassie: β€œWow, so many hotties! What species are they?!”

Chelsea: β€œThey are known as the lax bros.”

by Shookums666 August 15, 2018

113πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

bros with benefits

Straight dudes who share hand jobs and blow jobs, maybe kissing if they're really open minded.

I guess I'm looking for a bros with benefits arrangement (Craigslist).

by lonely old dude November 18, 2013

35πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Bro πŸ’€

Tik Toker Haterloverych's Fan given name.

Can be used with the skull at the end of bro.
Most Commonly used with The skull being at the end of the sentence

1.) Bro can read now πŸ’€
2. Bro πŸ’€ is smiling now

by KΓΈ January 28, 2022

87πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Bro Experience

Anything you do with your best bro that you'll remember for the rest of your bro life.

I smoked for the first time with my bro Jason and we're not gonna do it again. But damn, that was a fuckin' good bro experience.

by Jich Broh May 25, 2009

56πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Bro five

A way of paying respects through the colliding of fists when you notice a fellow broheim.

Before we even talked I gave my bro a bro five. I felt years of pain and anguish from my bros fist explode into bald eagles.

by Bruh-kwan-do October 4, 2016

Bro Table

The sexiest group of guys that you will ever meet. This group is composed of the 12 most real niggas from Vanier. If you ever come across these guys then you better pray for the best.

1: Yo is that Bro Table?
2: Yeah man we better watch out before something happens.
1: Oh shit

by Guacamiless January 23, 2021